Why Liberals Hate You
19th September 2012
The Other McCain is on the case.
Rare is the day when I have cause to express gratitude to Matt Yglesias, but his expression of the statist view could not be clearer:
The concept of “redistribution” falsely implies that the existence of property is prior to the existence of the state. #mythofownership
The absolute disconnect between the statist idolatry of Yglesias and any real sense of history is not, I think, accidental.
And there it is, in a nutshell.
September 19th, 2012 at 11:24
“Government began with the family” Ah, yes, the family. That quintessential institution so beloved of the Right, where the weak and helpless (children) leech their existence from the strong and productive (parents) and ‘redistribution’ of the fruits of labor is considered not only normal but laudible.
What a Loopy-Left, socialist construct.
September 19th, 2012 at 13:14
Only in the eyes of those who know nothing about either.
September 20th, 2012 at 09:18
Ooohhh, watch out! Whitehawk will start complaining about your arrogance in assuming I don’t understand the situation–oh, wait…never mind. He only does that to liberals.