We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Regulated If You Do, Sued If You Don’t

5th March 2012

Read it.

“Businesses on Pico have been very frustrated by code compliance regulations for years,” [Pico Improvement Organization chairman Robert] Kronovet said. “You have a business that might have a sign in the wrong place or a door that isn’t right and the city fines them to the point that they don’t want to stay.

“These are small businesses. They don’t have the money to fight it.”…

The business life in California — which is why all those businesses are going somewhere else.

“We wanted to renovate our bathroom areas to make it more handicap-accessible and it took us almost three years to get all the permits,” Garcia said.

“We kept giving all the paperwork they need, but it took forever. We needed the Pico Improvement Organization to plead our case.”

Even complying with stupid laws takes forever.

California has the nation’s most active entrepreneurial corps of ADA enforcers, roaming business districts to file mass complaints against small businesses over handicap accessibility which they then settle for cash.

That’s the way you get rich in the Nanny State. I’m looking forward to watching Bush the Elder burn in Hell for signing the ADA. This is why people have doubts about Romney — they don’t want another half-Republican President.


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