We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Scratch Newt for 2012

3rd December 2010

The Other McCain speaks for me.

He lost me at “not”:

“We are not going to deport 11 million people,” Gingrich said Thursday as he kicked off his first forum on Latino issues. “There has to be some zone between deportation and amnesty.”

We are also not going to be able to kill or capture every terrorist in the world, but we don’t go around proclaiming that in public, do we?

What Newt is saying here is simple: Surrender.

The problem with politicians is that they get hung up on practicality and always let it trump principle. Whether we can deport 11 million people is a speculation without any evidence to support a determination one way or another (How will we know unless we try?); the point being lost sight of here is that it’s not a binary decision, i.e. the choice is not between ‘deport none of them’ and ‘deport all of them’, with nothing in between. Let’s deport as many as we can catch, and live with the fact that every one we deport makes our situation better.

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