We have seen the future, and it sucks.

The Road to Divorce

18th August 2020

ZMan sees difficult times ahead.

The latest bout of insanity is over the United States Postal Service conspiracy to subvert the upcoming election. The Left is on their social media platforms warning that Big Stamp is part of a silent coup to award the election to Trump. Fevered lefties are posting pictures of themselves guarding mailboxes. The actress Jaimie Lee Curtis posted this on her Twitter account. The invasion of the mailbox snatchers has become a very real thing for the people on the Left.

How exactly anyone can think the post office is going to rig an election is a lot like the Russian collusion hoax. It is best understood if you don’t think about very much. The ballots go into the mailbox, something magical happens and then Donald Trump steals the election! Instead of the Russians using mind control to alter voter behavior in the voting booth, it is the postmaster using special powers to alter ballots inside the box themselves or perhaps making them disappear.

Scott Adams points out that postal employees are among the most corrupt outside of the Turd World. He had to quit mailing in his Dilbert cartoons because once local postal workers figured out who he was they would all get stolen before they got to his syndicator. He says he knows of a lot of artists who have had the same problem. He also relates a story of postal workers stealing envelopes containing cash addressed to post office boxes, which is why everybody knows not to send cash through the mail.

Of course, given the universality of the Opposite Rule of Liberalism, this means the Left is already hard at work with a plan to spoil ballots in the postal system. Their push for vote by mail is part of an existing scheme to trash votes from Republican areas, while stuffing the mailboxes in Democratic areas. Of course, their street thugs will be justified in burning mailboxes in white areas now. You can be sure Antifa will be staking out the post offices in white areas of the country too.

Yeah, that too. ‘Where’s it from? Scarsdale? Trash it! Harlem? Let it through!’ Anybody who can’t see the plausibility of this scenario has been asleep for a half-century. The fact that the Postal Workers Union has endorsed Biden merely underlines the problem.

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