We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Tranarchy: Gender Theory = Insanity

29th June 2014

The Other McCain follows this foolishness so that you don’t have to.

In 2010, the British parliament passed the Equality Act, which has had the effect of making accusations of discrimination the easiest way to destroy anybody you hate. The war between radical feminists and the transgender community — which I first wrote about in January — has been fought in the shadow of this ill-advised legislation.

Radical feminists (who are mostly lesbian) insist that their conferences must be “women-only” spaces. Radfems exclude transsexuals, viewing them as men trying to enact “feminine” gender roles. Radfems are all about abolishing gender roles, period, yet they are adamant that female is a biological category, and they especially hate “pretendbians” — transsexuals who claim to be lesbians. This is just male aggression, trying to co-opt lesbianism, say the radfems.

So, that’s the necessary background to what has gone on in the latest battle of the radfem-vs.-tranny war in England: Sarah Brown claims to have been harassed by radfems to the point of having a mental breakdown, a collapse into helpless depression.

Oh, no, say the radfems: Sarah Brown is not a victim any more than “she” is a lesbian. In fact, say the radfems, Brown is guilty of harassing actual women. Radfems were enraged that Brown was invited as keynote speaker (!) at this month’s Dyke March in London….

I’m tellin’ ya, it’s hard to keep track of these factions without a scorecard, and even then you can’t predict what they’ll do.

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