We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Archive for September, 2024

Bonus Thought for the Day

6th September 2024

A.F. Branco for Sep 06, 2024

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Thought for the Day

6th September 2024

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Racism in Action: University of Vermont Reserves Tenure-Track Fellowship for ‘BIPOC’ Scholars Only

6th September 2024

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The University of Vermont solicited applications for a postdoctoral fellowship that was only open to “BIPOC/POC scholars,” according to a job posting obtained by the Washington Free Beacon, raising questions about the school’s compliance with civil rights law as universities face scrutiny over the racial breakdown of their newest classes.

Advertised on the American Political Science Association’s (APSA) online job bank, the posting—which has since been removed—indicated that the Henderson-Harris fellowship, which has existed since the 1990s, “specifically seeks applicants” who “identify as people/persons of color.” The two-year position pays up to $70,000 and fast-tracks winners for a tenured professorship at the university.

“Applicants should be BIPOC/POC scholars,” the posting read. “Preference will be given to candidates whose research focuses on the themes of inequality and/or exclusion.”

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Kamala’s Racist ‘White Devil’ Pastor

6th September 2024

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After the Biden coup, Kamala phoned Rev. Amos Brown to pray for her political campaign. Kamala, an “old timer” and “dues paying” member of Brown’s church had turned to one of the most hateful political figures in her old city to offer spiritual inspiration for her presidential bid.

“America has not changed” since the days of segregation, Kamala’s pastor had argued while revisiting the killing of Emmett Till. “This sin of race is so deep, so pervasive in the body politic of America that if we don’t find a remnant to help turn things around, America is going to go down.”

Rev. Amos Brown, a politically influential minister known to some as the Sharpton of San Francisco, had a long history of race-baiting and of accusing America of racism.

Seems as if every mixed-race Democrat politician has an anti-white racist ‘pastor’. Must be something in the water.

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Munich Shooter Was “Religiously Radicalised”

6th September 2024

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The 18-year-old Austrian man who fired shots near the Israeli consulate in Munich on Thursday, September 5th, was suspected of having become “religiously radicalised” and had been investigated over terrorist links, according to Austrian police.

Oh, ya think? (I love that: ‘Austrian man’. Somehow I think not….)

The suspect had been known to authorities since February 2023 after injuring fellow students. The police confiscated his mobile phone and found a video game on it in which gamers can recreate Islamic State-styled terrorist attacks.

I guess it takes a while for police in Austria to do something about a DANGEROUS CRAZY PERSON WHO IS A THREAT TO SOCIETY.

However, he was forbidden from buying and owning a gun for five years—a ban that was useless, as the perpetrator was able to buy a rifle one day before his shooting spree.

Boy, those strict ‘gun control’ laws really work well, don’t they?

Posted in Living with Islam. | No Comments »

Germany: Machete Attack on Police Station

6th September 2024

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In the early morning hours of Friday, September 6th, a man with a machete stormed a police station in Linz am Rhein (Rhineland-Palatinate). The 29-year-old Albanian man entered the police station, swinging a machete. Police spokesman Jürgen Fachinger said: “He threatened to kill [everyone] at the police station.”

The police were able to lock the man between the outside door and the secured door that leads to the officers, protecting themselves from the attack.

The officers tried to explain to the man over the intercom that he was trapped—but the man would not calm down. A special task force from Koblenz finally overpowered the machete attacker with a taser. Police spokesman Fachinger said, “After using a taser in the lock, the person was restrained and arrested by special forces. He was slightly injured.”

The man is in custody and his motives have not been reported. The public prosecutor’s office will decide later today whether to apply for an arrest warrant.

In Texas, he would have been stone-cold dead within 30 seconds. (How does a single person, without even a firearm, ‘storm’ a police station?)

This tells you everything you need to know about Europe in general and Germany in particular.

Posted in You can't make this stuff up. | No Comments »

What to Do About America’s Killer Cars

6th September 2024

The Economist.

Perhaps we might do something to the drivers? After all, contrary to proglodyte mythology, cars don’t drive themselves (any more than guns shoot themselves).

Posted in The War on Causality--Life in the No-Agency Shit-Happens World | No Comments »

Canada’s Enoch Powell Moment

5th September 2024

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Brampton, Ontario, situated in the sprawling outer suburbs of the Greater Toronto Area, is in many ways your typical Canadian city: rows and rows of middle-class houses with verdant lawns line quiet streets, with strip-mall parking lots and big-box stores in between. That it has been for years a majority non-white city, with South Asians accounting for over half the population, speaks to the success of Canada’s classical immigration regime. For even as Brampton grew more ethnically diverse, its orderly if monotonous suburban social template remained the same, attesting to the motto of late Ontario Tory premier and Brampton legend Bill Davis: bland works.

Lately, however, another set of immigration policy trendlines have begun to alter the town’s pacific character. Demonstrations consisting of more recent arrivals, also from South Asia, can now be seen in Brampton, protesting the prospect of their deportation. Though they came to Canada either with temporary worker or student visas, they believe themselves entitled to permanent residency; some of these students are even protesting their own failing grades! That their presence in the country — amounting to a staggering 2.8 million temporary residents in a population of 40-odd million — continues to exert distortionary effects on wages and housing seems not to bother the rally-goers.

Meanwhile, authorities have registered a 30% rise in hate crimes, a 187% increase in auto theft, and a staggering 350% rise in home invasions in the Peel region of which Brampton is part; this has come on the heels of last year’s interethnic tensions, following the slaying of a Sikh activist. These statistics are not to suggest that all crime stems from immigrants but rather that an environment of material scarcity and institutional breakdown conduces to higher rates of crime, whether committed by immigrants or native-born individuals.

If you don’t know who Enoch Powell is, look him up.

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Navy Secretary Breaks Law with Political Statements About Presidential Race, Watchdog Says

5th September 2024

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Navy Secretary Carlos Del Toro broke the law by publicly endorsing the reelection of President Biden and criticizing former President Trump in several statements he made while on official duty overseas, the U.S. Office of Special Counsel said.

My, what a surprise. Aren’t you surprised? I’m sure surprised.

Posted in Democrats: Party of Fear--Party of Hate--Party of Death | No Comments »

Bonus Thought for the Day

5th September 2024

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University of South Carolina Requires Students to Affirm Value of ‘Diversity and Inclusion’

5th September 2024

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The University of South Carolina required students to affirm the value of “diversity and inclusion” as part of a mandatory training this summer, underscoring the tenacity of diversity programs in the face of public blowback and raising concerns about compelled speech at a school that has marketed itself as a bastion of free expression.

In a module on “Diversity, Inclusion & Belonging,” which included 10 multiple choice questions, the training asked students how “diversity and inclusion help create a healthy, positive campus environment.” Students who said these values do not create such an environment—or that they give “unfair advantages” to “people from marginalized identity groups”—were told that their answers were “incorrect,” according to screenshots shared with the Washington Free Beacon by the First Amendment watchdog Speech First.

The right answer was that “diversity and inclusion exposes students to people from different backgrounds, thus enriching the overall campus experience.”

So does invading a random Middle Eastern country, but I doubt that the University of South Carolina would be up for that.

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North Korean Spies Are Infiltrating U.S. Companies Through IT Jobs

5th September 2024

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Bringing their Filthy Heathen Ways (Beatles: HELP) to a computer near you.

North Korea can’t even feed its own population; where do they get the money for computers?

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New Study Reveals That People Who Make Good Decisions Have an Unfair Advantage

5th September 2024

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But wait–there’s more:

And it turns out that good decision-making and its fruits is not merely a matter of luck, but strongly tied to white privilege.

People of Color, of course, don’t actually make decisions, but just wait for whatever the great Ju-Ju drops upon them.


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Thought for the Day

5th September 2024

Five run by Muslims, five run by Africans. There’s the Democrat base, right there.

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‘He Did Not Complete the Degree Program’: Tim Walz Repeatedly Claimed He Was ‘Nearly Finished’ With PhD Years After He Disappeared From University

5th September 2024

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As recently as 2011, Tim Walz claimed in official biographies for his campaign and congressional office that he was on the verge of completing a doctorate in education, a decade after he enrolled in a Ph.D. program at St. Mary’s University of Minnesota in the small town of Winona.

The university, however, told the Washington Free Beacon that its last records indicating Walz was an active student are dated to 2004.

“We can confirm that Governor Walz attended Saint Mary’s from 2001-2004 in our doctorate level Ed.D. program,” the school’s communications director, Ashly Bissen, told the Free Beacon. “He did not complete the degree program.”

How sad is it when you can’t even complete a ‘degree’ in education?

Posted in Democrats: Party of Fear--Party of Hate--Party of Death | No Comments »

Congress Was Doing ‘Girl Math’ Before It Was Cool

5th September 2024

The Foundry.

Americans are obligated to lenders and creditors for overspending, the government has made a habit of spending more than it takes in.

You could say that Congress was doing “girl math” long before it was cool.

Popularized on social media, “girl math” refers to an unwritten playbook women sometimes use to justify purchases. A jacket anticipated to cost $150 is on sale for $75, so now you can spend the other $75 on a pair of shoes because you save 50% of the jacket. That’s girl math. Or you forgot you had $20 in your Venmo account; so, paying your friend back for dinner was actually “free.” That, too, is “girl math.”

While “girl math” is usually a funny joke between friends, it can go too far to justify irresponsible spending, and no one is better at justifying lavish and wasteful spending than the federal government.

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This Is Awkward: Elites Told Anyone Making Less Than $300k: “Try Lentils Instead of Meat”

5th September 2024

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Two and a half years after Bloomberg Opinion published advice for those earning under $300k on how to weather the Biden-Harris inflation storm—suggesting, among other things, swapping beef for “tasty meat substitutes” like lentils—we revisit whether labor economist Teresa Ghilarducci’s tips have truly shielded consumers from the fallout of failed Bidenomics.

The short answer is no.

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75% Of Midtown NYC Arrests Are Illegals; Veteran Prosecutor Blames “Pathetic” Sanctuary City Laws

5th September 2024

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In yet another headline you won’t see from corporate media, 75% of those arrested in Midtown Manhattan in recent months for crimes like assault, robbery, and domestic violence are migrants.

My, what a surprise. Aren’t you surprised? I’m sure surprised.

In Queens, it’s around 60%, the NY Post reports, citing police sources.

According to the report, the sanctuary city laws make it ‘almost impossible’ for authorities to handle the problem.

Time to leave.

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Harvard University Not Cooperating With DA’s Investigation Into Students Charged With Assault of Jewish Classmate

5th September 2024

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Harvard University has refused to cooperate with the Suffolk County District Attorney’s Office’s investigation into the assault of an Israeli business school student that occurred during a protest in October 2023. That decision has delayed the ongoing criminal case against two of the students caught on camera accosting their Jewish classmate, the Washington Free Beacon has learned.

Assistant District Attorney Ursula Knight, who leads the office’s Civil Rights and High-Risk Victims Unit and is prosecuting two of the students who participated in the assault, during a Wednesday hearing admonished the university.

“Harvard police essentially refused to investigate,” she said, according to an attendee, adding that the school’s behavior “has been a shock to the Commonwealth.”

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America is Run By a Movement, Not a Man

5th September 2024

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Joe Biden has gone from a vacation at a billionaire’s estate in California to a postponed appearance at the DNC convention in Chicago, and then once more to a vacation in Delaware.

The man who formally serves as president of the country barely has anything resembling a public schedule. And his private one appears to be equally empty. Biden is satisfied with occasionally showing up at a few events a week, mumbling something and then moving on.

Meanwhile his VP is on the campaign trail and appears equally out of reach, only now finally agreeing to a single CNN interview with Gov. Tim Walz, her running mate, there to back her up. If Kamala Harris can’t handle a press conference, can she handle running a country?

And if neither POTUS nor the VP are running the country, who or what actually is in charge?

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Eschatology! Gesundheit.

5th September 2024

Alma Boykin.

My car was getting worked on, and another person in the waiting area was listening to a podcast about the End Times and how they were Nigh. They also needed to have their hearing checked, because if I can hear your ear-buds from ten feet away, you need to turn the sound down. Anyway, I mostly tuned the discussion out because 1) I’ve heard most of it before and 2) it wasn’t loud-loud.

Many cultures and belief systems have an idea of an earlier time, when things were much better than they are today. A Golden Age, the time of the Legendary Emperors, the world before the Fall, before the coming of private property when all were Noble Savages, the Dream Time when the gods walked among men and animals spoke, when the living was easy, or easier. When all people were equal (“When Adam delved and Eva span, then there was no noble man”), and a just ruler oversaw a time of peace (Numa Pompillius, Quetzalcoatl, what have you).

Some, not all, also have an end time idea. This may vary, and sometimes shows up in faiths that don’t usually focus on eschatology, like Buddhists or American Indians, or the modern Environmental movement’s more radical offshoots. Judaism has had end times movements, and Christianity is well known for people who think that the End is Nigh and can be predicted. Some people even want to bring about that end time, thus calls of “Don’t immenatize my eschaton.” The government of Iran is the best known at the moment, although I’ve heard that there are Jewish and Christian groups who seek to bring about the Second Coming or just the arrival of the Messiah by— Several things. Extinction Rebellion and some even more radical environmentalists want to trigger the return of wilderness* to the world and restore Nature to its pre-lapsarian state. Which lapse varies from group to group, and which state is often left vague, although “pristine Nature without the corruption of mankind/the free market/the patriarchy/Western Civilization/pick three” seems to be common.

Alma Boykin has many very readable fiction books on Amazon. Highly recommended.

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The Magazine for Mercenaries Enters Polite Society

5th September 2024

The New Yorker.

There is no such thing as a ‘magazine for mercenaries’, any more than there is a ‘magazine for drug cartels’ or a ‘magazine for car repos’–and if there were, you wouldn’t know about it.

In the early nineteen-eighties, Susan Katz Keating was living in California, working as a freelance journalist with a side gig waiting tables. On a newsstand, she came across Soldier of Fortune, a monthly magazine infamous for its gonzo war reporting and its gun-for-hire classified ads. “I wanted to write about mercenaries,” she recalled recently. So she placed an advertisement in the publication. “You paid by the word, and I was quite young and didn’t have any money. The ad said, ‘Are you a mercenary? Contact S. Katz.’ And then I gave my home address.”

Keating was flooded with letters. A handful of seemingly professional warrior types arrived at her door unannounced. “I also got some government agents showing up, because they thought that I was trying to raise a mercenary army,” Keating said.

In 1986, Keating began contributing to Soldier of Fortune, the rare woman to do so. Two years ago, she achieved a longtime dream by purchasing the magazine from its founder, the retired lieutenant colonel Robert K. Brown, for an undisclosed sum. She now operates as its publisher and editor-in-chief.

Another Narrative Media down-the-alimentary-canal-with-gun-and-camera look at ‘flyover country’; popular zoology for the Coastal Crust. Read it for the entertainment, but don’t take it too seriously.

Posted in Axis of Drivel -- Adventures in Narrative Media | No Comments »

You Had One Job – and Four US Regulators Will Share Info to Check [That] a Merger Didn’t Unfairly End It

5th September 2024

The Register.

(Sorry, I’m just tired of poor grammer in headlines. Or anywhere, really….)

Tech companies are forever acquiring each other, but future buys will likely face more scrutiny after four US federal regulators decided to share data that they hope will help antitrust investigators assess whether an acquisition impacts labor markets – not just the market for tech.

Let no business be un-over-regulated. (After all, It’s For The Children.)

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Columbia Students Target ‘War Criminal’ and ‘Israel Global Propagandist’ Hillary Clinton With Sit-In Protest

4th September 2024

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Well, she could always go back to Arkansas.

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Blue State Blues: Huntington Beach Poised to Sue California Over Radical Anti-Parental Rights Law

4th September 2024

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Time to leave.

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Blue State Blues: Jewish City Council Members Call on CUNY to Act After Protesters Rally to ‘Bring the War Home’

4th September 2024

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Good luck with that.

Time to leave.

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Blue State Blues: Bronx Teacher Shot in Classroom Before 1st Day of School, Police Say

4th September 2024

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Time to leave.

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California Scuttles Reparations Bills as Supporters Denounce a Political Bait-and-Switch

4th September 2024

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Welcome to our world. Be careful not to step in the diversity.

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50,000 ‘Knots’ Scattered Throughout Our DNA Control Gene Activity

4th September 2024

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The mapping of 50,000 mysterious “knots” in the human genome may someday lead to the development of new cancer drugs, researchers say.

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Bonus Thought of the Day

4th September 2024

Posted in Whose turn is it to be the victim? | No Comments »

Thought for the Day

4th September 2024


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Winners & Losers

4th September 2024

ZMan pulls no punches.

In this age, we see this master and slave relationship between the people we call the left and the people we call the right. The former looks at the rules as a means to an end and that end is always getting what they want. Even the rules of physical reality are subject to interpretation if they prove difficult. In the hands of the people we call the left, the rules that supposedly regulate every aspect of life are merely the whip in the hands of the masters, who apply it to ensure obedience.

The people we call the right see the rules as every slave sees the rules, which is as a source of shelter from the uncertainty of their masters wrath. They invest their time in polishing their principles in the same way the house slave makes sure to always be seen busy tidying up the master’s house. This is a sign of subservience. David French is at the New York Times for the same reason the field slave rises to become the master’s manservant. He is the most resolute loser.

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Blue State Blues: 49ers Shooting Puts Onus on San Fran Crime as Mayor Seeks Reelection

4th September 2024

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The daylight shooting of San Francisco 49ers rookie receiver Ricky Pearsall in an upscale shopping district has once again put the city’s safety in the national spotlight weeks before voters choose a new mayor.

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“I Will Kill You and Your Families” – Somali Migrant Stabs German Man in the Neck, 30 Police Officers Make Arrest

4th September 2024

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In yet another knife attack involving a foreigner, a Somali man stabbed a 46-year-old man in the neck outside a supermarket in the small town of Waltershausen. Thirty police officers arrived on scene and took him into custody.

At 5:30 p.m., the incident started with the 27-year-old Somali man purposefully coughing on customers at random inside the “Netto” discount supermarket. He then began threatening them and randomly entering into arguments with various customers.

When a 46-year-old man asked the Somali man to stop, the Somali man allegedly threatened to kill him. The victim then told the Somali to calm down, at which point the Somali stabbed him in the neck, according to the Welt newspaper.

Posted in Living with Islam. | No Comments »

The Surprising History Of The President’s ‘Resolute’ Desk

4th September 2024

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The president’s desk bears a remarkable pedigree. Its story ties together several disparate historical threads, including a ghost ship, polar exploration, and relations between the United States and the UK. The tale begins with a certain British Admiral, Sir Edward Belch.

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McCain Son Rips Trump Over Arlington; Dad Did Same Thing

4th September 2024

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Jimmy McCain, the youngest son of the late Republican Sen. John McCain of Arizona, slammed Donald Trump’s recent appearance at Arlington National Cemetery as a campaign backdrop, even though his father did just that in a 1999 campaign ad.

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Claims About Ireland

4th September 2024

Tyler Cowen.

The wealthy and influential networks in society use moral-sounding concepts such as environmental protection and invoking famine-era evictions to establish legal frameworks that protect existing capital by preventing growth. They also use the civil service as a massive programme of sinecures for the less ambitious within the upper middle classes. To take a random example: Ireland still claims to have ‘free’ university (though there is a significant registration fee). But the cost of renting is so high that effectively only the wealthy can send their kids away to college. Superficially left wing, but de facto oligarchy. This is everywhere: health service (half the population have private), public transport (unusable if you actually need to be somewhere), and there are shakedowns at every financial touchpoint — bank duopoly, huge insurance fees, dysfunctional legal system

I once asked my mother’s mother (a Brennan from Mayo) whether she would like to go back to Ireland someday. She blew up. “No! There’s nothing there but losers and the descendants of losers. Anybody with an ounce of gumption left a hundred years ago!”

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“Doctors would manipulate and convince parents that ‘gender-affirming’ care was lifesaving”: An Interview with Vanessa Sivadge

4th September 2024

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When Vanessa Sivadge, a registered nurse at Texas Children’s Hospital, wrote an anonymous op-ed about the hospital’s secret transgender medicine program, two FBI agents showed up at her home shortly thereafter to interrogate her. Last month, the hospital fired her. Dr. Eithan Haim, a general surgeon who worked at the same hospital, received a similar visit from federal agents after he leaked information about the existence of the transgender program to conservative activist Christopher Rufo. The United States government is not kind to conservative whistleblowers.

“We exposed the fact that Texas Children’s Hospital—the largest children’s hospital in the world—was lying to the public about the existence of their transgender program,” Haim wrote. “In part due to the story’s release, the very next day, the Texas Legislature voted, with bipartisan support, to ban transgender medical interventions on minors. The conduct we exposed became illegal in the State of Texas within 24 hours of our story.” Despite that, Haim was investigated and is now being prosecuted on allegations that he mishandled medical records. If convicted, he could face ten years in federal prison and a maximum possible fine of $250,000.

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America’s New Climate Delusion

4th September 2024

The Atlantic.

In some ways, Louisiana’s carbon-capture push fits neatly into the climate plan that the world’s governments recently agreed to. At last winter’s United Nations climate conference, in Dubai, the assembled countries committed to collectively moving away from fossil fuels and aggressively pursuing lower-emissions technologies—including carbon capture. The agreement aims to avoid more of the kind of climate-related damage Louisiana already lives with, as more intense storms and higher sea levels erode the coast and push people inland.

But carbon capture is, if anything, helping the oil and gas industry justify its continued operations, and the march of new LNG terminals along Louisiana’s shoreline. The question of whether climate change will reshape our world has a clear answer: It already has. But the question of how people will reshape our world in response is wide open. One possibility is that people will make dramatic changes—creating entirely new industries meant to curb emissions—and still fail to alter the fate of places such as Louisiana.

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Do Look Up! NASA Unfurls Massive Shiny Solar Sail in Orbit

4th September 2024

The Register.

NASA has successfully extended into orbit an 80 m2 (860 square foot) sail that is designed to catch emissions from the Sun and convert them into propulsion for space exploration.

The Advanced Composite Solar Sail System (ACS3) was launched on April 23 from New Zealand aboard Rocket Lab’s Electron hardware and – after months of careful checking – was successfully unfurled at 1333 EDT (1033 PDT) on Thursday, August 29. Such is the compact nature of the spacecraft that the whole thing fit inside a 23x23x34 centimeter (9x9x13 inch) CubeSat before being deployed.

“The sail will appear as a square about half the size of a tennis court,” NASA Ames reported.

“Now, with the sail fully extended, the Solar Sail System may be visible to some keen skywatchers on Earth who look up at the right time. Stay tuned to NASA.gov and @NASAAmes on social media for updates on how to catch the spacecraft passing over your area.”

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Armed Venezuelan Prison Gang in Denver Highlights Map of US Sanctuary Zones To Avoid Amid Migrant Crisis

3rd September 2024

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Thank you, Joe Biden.

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Christian Irish Teacher Jailed Again for Opposing Trans Policy

3rd September 2024

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A devout Christian teacher at a Church of Ireland boarding school unwilling to accept “the hellish ideology of transgenderism” was jailed for the third time Monday for violating a court order.

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Yale Divinity Students Forced to Read From Witch’s “Spell” at Orientation

3rd September 2024

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Yale’s Divinity School coerced students to read from a “spell” written by a “witch” as part of its Before the Fall Orientation.

The three-day orientation between Aug. 21 to 23 saw a series of talks and activities preparing incoming students for the year ahead, interspersed with small group discussions.

One of these small group periods was the first activity of orientation. Participating as an incoming student in one of these circles, I saw how the discussion opened with a set of “Restorative Circle Rules.” These rules boiled down to a warning to be open minded: all viewpoints were expected to be heard, that you only have to take what you want from the circle and participate as wanted – at least nominally.

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Today in Trump Derangement Syndrome

3rd September 2024

Trump’s Wildly Unhinged New Ramblings on Fox News Reveal the True MAGA (The New Republic) MAGA is the New Nigger.

Trump claims he had ‘every right’ to interfere with election (CNN)

Trump Says He Had ‘Every Right’ to Interfere With Presidential Election (Newsweek)

Trump says he had ‘every right’ to interfere in 2020 election (Reuters)

Gee, there’s an echo in here….

You can fill in the rest for yourself. It’s not as if they’re hard to find.

Posted in Axis of Drivel -- Adventures in Narrative Media | No Comments »

Today in Globalist Hand-Wringing

3rd September 2024

Global Health Crisis: Over Half the World Lacks Essential Micronutrients, Harvard Study Reveals (SciTechDaily) Whatever would we do without Harvard Studies?

Billions worldwide consume inadequate levels of micronutrients critical to human health (Harvard School of Public Health) Billions and billions and ….

Four Key Nutrients Lacking in Diet of Two-Thirds of Adults: ‘Alarming’ (Newsweek) Aren’t you alarmed? I’m sure alarmed.

Billions worldwide consume inadequate levels of micronutrients critical to human health, new study finds (MedicalXPress)


Posted in Whose turn is it to be the victim? | No Comments »

Today in Democrat Stupid

3rd September 2024

A.F. Branco for Sep 03, 2024

That’s really all it is. There’s nothing complicated about it.


Posted in Democrats: Party of Fear--Party of Hate--Party of Death | No Comments »

Activists Block Entry Gate to Columbia on First Day of Classes

3rd September 2024

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Dozens of pro-Palestinian protesters demonstrated outside and blocked one of Columbia University’s entrances on the first day of classes Tuesday, some beating drums, while a long line of students and staff made their way through a security checkpoint.

And they’ll keep doing this shit as long as they keep getting away with it.

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Turley: Robert Reich’s Call To Arrest Musk Is “Siren’s Call of Every Authoritarian”

3rd September 2024

Read it.

We have previously discussed the anti-free speech views of Clinton’s former Labor Secretary, Robert Reich, who has tried to sell citizens on the perfectly Orwellian view that more freedom means tyranny when it comes to the freedom of expression. He also demanded that former president Donald Trump be banned from ballots as a “traitor” — all in the name of protecting democracy from itself. Last week, Reich wrote a column declaring Elon Musk “out of control” in his refusal to censor citizens and appeared to call for his arrest.

Posted in Democrats: Party of Fear--Party of Hate--Party of Death | No Comments »

The New Athens

3rd September 2024

ZMan pulls the curtain back.

One of the features of this age is the proliferation of lying to the point where it is reasonable to assume everything is a lie. The West is a liar’s culture now, where only the naivest trust anyone or anything. This liar’s culture is led by the people at the top, who seem to take great pleasure in lying for its own sake. They often lie when the truth would serve them best. As a result of the endless downpour of lies from the top of society, the culture itself is drenched in lying.

At the top, the culture of lying is obvious. We just went through a month where the media and the so-called experts told us that a day-drinking simpleton went from the butt of jokes to heroic strong diverse female character. Of course, the fact that the concept of the strong diverse female character exists is a testament to the promiscuous lying that now defines the entertainment industry. Every ad on television now contains a naked lie, placed there like some sort of cultural totem.

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Swedish Study of Gun Violence Ignores Migration, Ethnicity of Shooters

3rd September 2024

Read it.

As they do.

A report from Sweden’s Crime Prevention Council (BRÅ), commissioned by the government to study the increase in gun violence, completely fails to consider mass migration or the ethnicity or culture of shooters in its analysis.

Henrik Angerbrandt, one of the authors behind the study, told news outlet Samnytt that the study did not include the background of perpetrators as it was not considered interesting for the report: “We have not looked at the individual level. We have not looked at foreign backgrounds, and we have generally not examined socioeconomic factors.”

Last year, Sweden registered 363 shooting incidents (including 53 fatalities and 109 injured)—the highest numbers in Europe, in a country that once had the lowest firearm crime rate per capita. In contrast, the other three Nordic countries—which have all had significantly more restrictive migration policies—registered only six fatal shootings combined in 2023.

While Swedish authorities have shied away from identifying poorly controlled migration as a cause of increased violent crime, their Danish counterparts are upfront about it:

“Sweden is a frightening example of what happens when too little attention is given to immigration and law enforcement policies,” Danish MP Preben Bang Henriksen told daily paper Aftonbladet. “Neither the conservative nor the Social Democratic governments have addressed the problem.”

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