We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Archive for August, 2024

Conflict of Interest? Anti-Free Speech Google Joins $250M Deal to Radicalize California Newsrooms

24th August 2024


Censorship-obsessed Google seems to be buying off California news outlets with a bombshell deal to fund and influence the state’s journalism enterprise in the middle of an election year.

California was reportedly considering a bill to force Big Tech platforms to pay certain media outlets for the right to share news, and a second bill to tax digital ads. But California Democrats, including Gov. Gavin Newsom, are declaring victory after getting Google to commit to a $250 million bargain with the state.

Some groups are criticizing the deal, which will provide hundreds of millions of dollars from Google, taxpayers and possibly other sources to shape the future of journalism, according to National Review. And if Google’s and California’s sordid records are any indication, that future is undoubtedly marked by another radical lurch leftward.

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The Y Chromosome Is Slowly Vanishing. A New Sex Gene May Be the Future of Men.

24th August 2024


No surprises here. When ‘gender’ is a social construct that you can pick from an extensive menu and nobody thinks that genes determine anything, in a world where ‘mysogyny’ is ‘terrorism’, who needs the Y chromosome?

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Global Disappointment With the Most Promising Energy: ‘The dream is dead’, and we are in ‘big trouble’

24th August 2024


Renewable sources are expanding across the country, but there is a ‘silent enemy’ that is eating away at some of this progress, and that is nuclear energy. Experts have believed for years that they can make it clean and safe, which we simply call a pipe dream. Recently, a prestigious media outlet such as The Guardian collected the opinions of several experts under the reflection ‘The dream is dead’. What has happened so that optimism has turned into global pessimism? A discovery about reactors has left everyone in shock.

The sky is falling. The world is about to end. Film at 11.

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Solingen Stabbing: Three killed in Attack at Germany Festival

24th August 2024

Al Jezeera.

Police in Germany are searching for an unknown suspect behind a mass stabbing at a festival in the western city of Solingen in which three people were killed.

Eight people were injured, five of them seriously, police said on Saturday as thousands had gathered at a central square for celebrations to mark Solingen’s 650th anniversary. The dead included one woman and two men.

Who could have done such a thing? That’s a real head-scratcher.

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Cheryl Hines Brutally Trolled After RFK Jr. Endorses Trump

24th August 2024

The Daily Beast.

Curb Your Enthusiasm star Cheryl Hines took more heat for her husband Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s decisions on Friday, after Kennedy bowed out of the presidential race and endorsed Donald Trump.

But her husband feels very differently about the former president, who he endorsed Trump as he blamed the media for his inability to gain traction in White House race.

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Today in Democrat Stupid

23rd August 2024

Exclusive: The Chicks to sing National Anthem at the DNC on Thursday (CNN)  Flyover Country seems to be the theme for this cycle’s Democrat convention.

Exclusive: Outraged Kennedy Volunteers Beg Him Not to Quit For ‘Backroom Deal’ With Trump (Diana Falzone/Mediaite)  When dealing with the Narrative Media, one needs to remember that they don’t report what’s true, they report what they wish were true.

Case in point: Democrats Give Harris Nearly Unanimous Positive Ratings (Megan Brenan/Gallup)

Report Challenges Harris’ Assertion Higher Food Prices Equal Corporate Greed

Most GOP-devastating statistic in Bill Clinton’s DNC speech confirmed by fact checker (Brad Reed/Raw Story)  Sure, I believe that.

NBC Drools Over ‘Supercharged’ DNC With Strong ‘Midwest Dad Energy’, ‘Star Power’

5 Massive Lies at the Democratic National Convention

Harris Had Record of Pushing Left-Wing Positions on Biggest Legal Issues as California AG

PBS’s DNC Coverage Goes Full Feminist: US on the ‘Cusp’ of a Female President (Again)  It’s more important to have a woman than somebody who’s competent.

22 Shootings, 6 Homicide Deaths in Chicago During DNC  How appropriate.

Land Acknowledgments Are Democratic Party’s New Pledge of Allegiance

Pro-Palestinian Delegates Stage DNC Protest, Demand Speaking Slot

Texas Delegate Robbed at Gunpoint While Attending DNC  How appropriate.

ADL Leader Slams DNC: ‘I Could Not Have Imagined a Time Jews Would Have To Meet in Secret Locations in Chicago’

CNN: ‘It’s a Vibes Election!’ No Need for Kamala to Publish Policy

Thanks, Biden-Harris: Map Shows Worst Housing Affordability In America

WATCH: ‘Joy! Joy! Joy! Joy!’ Chants DNC Speaker Who Said ‘Diamond Merchant’ Jews Have the ‘Blood of Innocent Babies’ on Their Hands

3 Things Kamala Harris Left Out of Her DNC Speech

Kinzinger in DNC speech says GOP is “no longer conservative” (Andrew Solender/Axios)  As if Kinzinger would know.

‘NEEDS CONTEXT’: CNN’s Daniel Dale Weasels Out of Kamala Fact-Check

Kamala Harris Gave the Best Acceptance Speech I’ve Ever Seen (Jonathan Chait/New York Magazine)

PBS’s Capehart on Horrors of ‘USA’ Chants at GOP Rallies: ‘It Felt Menacing’  I can see that.

FLASHBACK: Paul Krugman Bootlicked Biden for ‘Creating the Best Job Market In a Generation’

From Vasectomy Vans To Hotties For Harris, The DNC Was Truly A Freak Show (Gage Klipper/The Daily Caller)

Is That–Is That–Optimism We Feel? (William Kristol/The Bulwark)

A 10-Year-Old Pointed a Finger Gun. The Principal Kicked Him Out of His Tennessee School for a Year. (Aliyya Swaby/ProPublica)

Kamala-Jitsu: Democrats Turn Trump Into the Incumbent (The Bulwark)  No, the election will do that.


Posted in Democrats: Party of Fear--Party of Hate--Party of Death | No Comments »

Today in Trump Derangement Syndrome

23rd August 2024

Trump Hosting Fundraiser For Domestic Terrorists Who Assaulted Cops On Jan. 6 (S.V. Date/HuffPost)

Trump says he’s refusing intel briefings so he won’t be accused of leaks (April Rubin/Axios)

WATCH: Biden Cabinet Official Cluelessly Blasts Biden Admin 818K Jobs Revision as Trump Lies on ABC

With Harris, Democrats try a new tack to take down Trump: Making fun of him (Peter Nicholas/NBC News)  It’s all about Trump.

Kamala Harris has put Trump in a box, and he’s struggling to break out (Dan Balz/Washington Post)  Sure, I believe that.

Kamala Harris Turns the Page on the Trump Era (Dan Pfeiffer/The Message Box)


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UK Sees Record Channel Migrant Arrivals in First Half of 2024

23rd August 2024

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The number of people illegally crossing the English Channel to the UK hit a record high in the first half of 2024, official figures published on Thursday August 22nd show.

The news follows publication of data showing how the Home Office in the final phase of the most recent Conservative Party government accepted record numbers of asylum applications.

A total of 13,489 migrants who arrived on small boats was recorded in the first six months of 2024—an 18% jump in the year-on-year figures—just prior to the election of a Labour government. In comparison, from January to June 2023, 11,433 migrants made the journey.

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Almost Half of Spain’s Anti-Jihadist Operations are in Catalonia

23rd August 2024

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In Spain, the region of Catalonia leads the country disproportionally in anti-jihadist operations and arrests, El Debate reports.

Catalonia, and Barcelona in particular, has become Spain’s security risk hotspot. Stemming recent rising crime levels was a major point in the regional election held in May.

Police sources last month told The Objective that the region continues to be one of the principal places in Spain where radicalization and subsequent recruitment into terror cells takes place.

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German Government Wants to Pay Failed Afghan Asylum Seekers to Leave

23rd August 2024

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The German traffic light coalition is considering paying “financial travel support” to asylum seekers set to be deported to Afghanistan, Bild reports. Critics question why the country would reward foreigners with no residency rights to do what they are supposed to do anyway—leave the country.

Providing rejected migrants with ‘start-up money’ for food and housing is intended to encourage them to leave, but also to help avoid legal challenges, Germany’s interior ministry said. Failed asylum seekers have in the past challenged deportation orders on grounds of being returned to abject poverty.

Programs already exist in different German states to assist rejected asylum seekers who return to their home countries voluntarily. Amounts can range from a few hundred to “several thousand euros,” Bild says—amounts that are still small compared to the cost of having the migrants remain in Germany.

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Deportations Plunge As Canary Islands Struggle With Surging Migrant Crisis

23rd August 2024

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The number of illegal immigrants deported from Spain has dropped to a new low as the Canary Islands struggle to deal with a growing migration crisis.

According to Interior Ministry figures, reported by El Debate, of the more than 29,000 illegal migrants who have arrived in the islands so far this year, only 3% have been sent back.

On top of this, the ministry estimates that by the end of the year, the total arrivals could reach between 45,000 and 50,000.

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‘Politically Captured Agency’: Why a Former FBI Agent Wants to Defund the Bureau

23rd August 2024

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The FBI shouldn’t be weaponized to pick winners and losers, which is exactly what it has done by targeting pro-lifers and failing to investigate pro-abortion vandals, former FBI agent Steve Friend says.

“What we’re seeing is a politically captured agency that is not only interested in the results,” Friend told The Daily Signal. “They want to get overwhelming results, so they’re putting their fingers and entire arms on the scale.”

FBI whistleblower Friend joined “The Daily Signal Podcast” to discuss his experience in the FBI, why he left in 2022, and the weaponization of the bureau against those with religious or political ideologies deemed to be a “threat.”

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How Joe Biden and Kamala Harris Lost 300K Migrant Children

23rd August 2024

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In 2014, Vice President Joe Biden was dispatched to Guatemala by President Barack Obama to implore Latin American countries and their citizens to stop smuggling unaccompanied children into the United States.

“These smugglers routinely engage in physical and sexual abuse and extortion of these innocent, young women and men, by and large,” Biden said in a speech in Guatemala City.

Three months into his own presidency, in March 2021, Biden sent his vice president, Kamala Harris, to Guatemala to convey a similar message: “Do not come.”

Ten years on from Biden’s address in Guatemala City, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Office of Inspector General is out with a report that the Biden-Harris administration has lost track of approximately 300,000 migrant children.

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Thought for the Day

23rd August 2024

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The Problem Is Islam—Not Islamism

23rd August 2024


I first heard the word “Islamism” in a video of a 2010 debate between Maajid Nawaz, Zeba Khan, Douglas Murray, and Ayan Hirsi Ali. Nawaz explained that he used the term “Islamism” to denote an ideology that advocates establishing Islamic supremacy and “Islamist” to describe anyone who wants to further that aim. This terminology allowed him, he argued, to distinguish between moderate and fundamentalist Muslims. But it is telling that we do not make this distinction with regard to any other religion. In his choice of lexicon, Nawaz was applying a double standard. He wanted to avoid tarring all Muslims with the same brush, but this could have been done by using qualifiers such as “fundamentalist,” “extremist,” or “radical.”

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Turkish Delight in Frankfurt

23rd August 2024

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A Turkish culture-enricher caused some excitement the night before last at a railway station in Frankfurt when he approached a fellow Turk from behind and fired several shots at his head, killing him.

If there aren’t any Christians or Jews available, Muslims are quite happy to kill each other.

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The Taliban Publish Vice Laws That Ban Women’s Voices and Bare Faces in Public

23rd August 2024

Associated Press.

Thank you, Joe Biden.

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Taxpayer-Funded Oregon Group Offers $30,000 To Home Buyers… As Long As They’re Not American Citizens

23rd August 2024

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Only days after it was announced that California will be pushing a bill to give illegal aliens access to zero down, no payment home loans, it has been revealed that a taxpayer-funded group out of Oregon called Hacienda CDC is already offering non-citizens a $30,000 home assistance loan for new homebuyers through a program called Camino a Casa.

Screenshots from the Hacienda website posted by X user Oregon Citizen note:

“Only for people who are not American citizens…”

“Clients work closely with financial coaches and HUD-certified housing counselors throughout the entirety of the homebuying process. In addition to mortgage readiness and financial fitness workshops, we provide various opportunities for down-payment assistance…”

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Get Woke, Go Broke: Disney Cancels Gay Star Wars Show After One Season

23rd August 2024

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In the past 10 years Disney has generated a magnificent reputation for failure. Consider for a moment the overwhelming catalog of marketable properties the company has purchased through its acquisition of companies like 20th Century Fox and Lucasfilm – The possibilities for profits are endless. Star Wars itself was long considered to be a bulletproof brand, a beloved franchise that had hundreds of millions (perhaps billions) of fans attached to it due to sheer nostalgia alone.

It would take a screw-up of epic proportions to take a loss on Star Wars. Or, maybe a deliberate agenda to deconstruct and destroy the very foundations of the story that made it so popular in the first place.

The Acolyte, directed by Harvey Weinstein’s former assistant Leslye Headland and produced by Steven Spielberg’s former assistant Kathleen Kennedy, is the pinnacle of this agenda. Kathleen Kennedy’s notorious ‘Story Group’ set out to fundamentally change Star Wars from the very beginning with the increasing injection of third-wave feminism, woke ideology and ultimately sexual fetishism.

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Supreme Court Restores Proof of Citizenship Requirement in Arizona’s Voter Law

23rd August 2024

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The U.S. Supreme Court on Thursday revived part of an Arizona voter law requiring documented proof of U.S. citizenship to register to vote, in response to a request from the Republican National Committee and Arizona Republicans.

The justices in a 5-4 ruling agreed to reinstate a provision of the law after a federal judge blocked it in response to legal challenges by Democratic president Joe Biden’s administration and advocacy groups.

The decision comes before the Nov. 5 election in which Democratic vice president Kamala Harris is facing off against Republican former president Donald Trump.


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Today in Trump Derangement Syndrome

22nd August 2024

SHOOT TO KILL? NPR Airs Adam Kinzinger Comparing Trump to Enemy in Trench Warfare

Trump slams New York governor’s speech at DNC: ‘Nastiest speaker’ (Miranda Nazzaro/The Hill)

‘Call This Idiot’: Trump Ordered Cabinet Secretary To Pressure Fed Chair To Cut Rates (Kyle Khan-Mullins/Forbes)

Trump Is Not Done With Us (Thomas B. Edsall/New York Times)

Trump’s claims about violent crime increasingly diverge from reality (Philip Bump/Washington Post)

Daily Show Asks Dem Rep. To Make Sense of Vance’s ‘Anti-Woman Rhetoric’

Trump has far less campaign money and infrastructure than Harris (Jessica Piper/Politico)

Look out – Republicans are defecting from Trump’s MAGA army in droves (Max Burns/The Hill)

Labor Department Overstated Job Growth by 818,000, Revised Report Reveals  As they do.

London Mayor Fears for Safety If Trump Wins

Vladimir Putin manipulated Donald Trump’s ‘ego and insecurities’, book says (Richard Luscombe/The Guardian)

Michelle Obama Absolutely Takes Apart Donald Trump (Tressie McMillan Cottom/New York Times)

Donald Trump Accused of Committing ‘Massive Crime’ With Reported Phone Call (Jordan King/Newsweek)

Donald Trump: ‘I Hate My Opponent’ (Marc A. Caputo/The Bulwark) Don’t blame him.

Meyers Fawns Over Obama’s Trump Is ‘Bad At Sex’ DNC Speech He certainly doesn’t charge as much as Harris.

From Dems, a Reminder: January 6 Was Horrible (William Kristol/The Bulwark)

Women’s Muslim Group Folds After DNC Denies Speaker

Trump’s Angry New Rants About the Obamas Betray a Deeper MAGA Fear (New Republic)  MAGA is the New Nigger.

White House condemns antisemitism after Trump attacks ‘Jewish Governor’ Shapiro (Adam Cancryn/Politico)  Except that he didn’t ‘attack’ Shapiro.

Trump takes it upon himself to decide who is a proper Jew (Philip Bump/Washington Post)  It’s as legitimate as for white people to decide who is a proper Negro.



Posted in Axis of Drivel -- Adventures in Narrative Media | No Comments »

Today in Democrat Stupid

22nd August 2024

A.F. Branco for Aug 22, 2024

Harris Crushes Trump Among Key Voters in Stunning New Poll (The New Republic) Sure, I believe that.

Kamala Harris Opens Up Biggest Lead Over Trump in 538 Polling Aggregate (Newsweek)

The Secret to Harris’ Recipe: Narrowing Trump’s Lead with Low-Engagement Voters (Cook Political Report) She’s got the Ignorant Vote down pat.

The Vibe Has Shifted Downballot Too (Tim Murphy/Mother Jones)

Watch the Obama joke everyone is talking about from the DNC (Kwan Wei Kevin Tan/Business Insider)

Maria Bartiromo’s wild and “kind of racist” election conspiracy theory collapses immediately (Matt Gertz/Media Matters for America)

Biden-Harris Admin Stonewalls Congressional Probe Into US Nonprofits Bankrolling Pro-Hamas Protests

Obamagasms Everywhere! ABC Loses It Over ‘Electrifying’ Obamas at DNC

Kamala Harris Looks to Jack Up Corporate Tax Rate as President

Obama’s DNC Speech Had a Hidden Message to Democrats (Jonathan Chait/New York Magazine)

With six words, Michelle Obama rewires America’s conversation on race (Philip Bump/Washington Post)

California Wants To Reward Illegal Aliens With Zero Down, No Payment Home Loans

Obama pushed Democrats into their YIMBY era (Eliza Relman/Business Insider)

Harris Called for Donations to Abolish ICE Groups

Free Bill Clinton (Jonathan Martin/Politico)

Harris vs. Trump, joy vs. fear (Matt K. Lewis/The Hill)

Shut Out In Chi-Town: Jewish Groups Blocked From Marching During The DNC

WOKE OF THE WEAK: Pro-Hamas Demonstrators Try to ‘SHUT DOWN’ DNC with…a Jihadi Jamboree?

American Peronism: Kamala Harris’ Economic Plan to Ruin the US

Pro-Palestinian protesters clash with police near Chicago’s Israeli consulate on second night of DNC (Associated Press)

Todd Hails Michelle Obama As America’s ‘Best Nonpolitical Speaker’ “Non-political”?

44 DNC Delegates Snub Harris With ‘Present’ Vote

Pelosi makes no apologies at DNC for her role in Biden’s ouster (Marianna Sotomayor/Washington Post)

NBC Gets Warm & Fuzzy Over ‘Barn-Burning’, ‘Powerful’ Obamas ‘Electrifying’ DNC

About those new jobs created by the Biden-Harris administration

Ford Abruptly Axes Electric SUV Plans Over Slowing Demand, Despite Billions from Biden-Harris Admin

Michelle Obama Is a Master of Politics Because She Hates Politics (Jeet Heer/The Nation)  She also hates trump.

The selling of Kamala: Part II – the Obamas help create the narrative at the DNC

Top Biden-Harris Official Calls For ‘Queering Nuclear Weapons’

‘Two Minutes Of Hate’: Dems Roll Surreal, Unhinged Attack Montage On Loop At The DNC

Jake Tapper Rages at GOP Service Members Who Decry Walz’s Stolen Valor

In Chicago, Democrats Veer Left

Surrounded by Ivy League Grads, Walz Attacks Vance Over Yale

‘Do You Have Any Tissues?’ CNN Tears Up Over Walz’s Son


Posted in Democrats: Party of Fear--Party of Hate--Party of Death | No Comments »

Nordic Countries Address ‘Spillover’ Migrant Crime From Sweden

22nd August 2024

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international organized crime gangs after a surge of incidents in neighboring Norway and Denmark, justice ministers of Stockholm, Copenhagen, and Oslo announced during their joint press conference on Wednesday, August 21st.

These efforts will include “joint operations and joint patrolling,” primarily in Sweden and at the request of the Swedish police, Norwegian Justice Minister Emilie Enger Mehl told the media in the Danish capital.

Norway, a non-EU country but a member of the Schengen area, has been wanting to ramp up regional cooperation since it has been discovered recently that “Swedish” migrant gangs are active in every region of the country, with a steadily increasing prevalence of violent crime.

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In With Teacher Apprenticeships, Out With Colleges of Education

22nd August 2024

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First, teachers must leave the classroom and become administrators or counselors to earn above the standard teacher salary.

Second, colleges of education can’t prepare new teachers nearly as well as an apprenticeship under a veteran teacher who has consistently demonstrated mastery of the craft. Thankfully, K-12 education can rework how it prepares new teachers and rewards quality veteran educators to solve both problems simultaneously.

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“Must Have Been Tipped Off”: Jack Daniel’s Cuts Woke Training Ahead of Robby Starbuck’s Next Exposé

22nd August 2024

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And so it goes.

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Russia Opens Criminal Case Against CNN Reporter for ‘Illegally Crossing Border’

22nd August 2024

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Russia’s FSB security service said Thursday it had opened a criminal case against a journalist working for CNN who it said had illegally crossed the Russian border to film a report inside the Kursk region following a Ukrainian cross-border incursion.

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Thought for the Day

22nd August 2024

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Germany Records 60% Rise in Migrant Smuggling

22nd August 2024

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The invasion continues.

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Fascism 2.0 – The Changing Face Of Social-Media Censorship

22nd August 2024

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Facebook make only about £34 a year from the average customer in the UK – a little under £3 a month (and that’s before costs) so clearly there is no head-room or motivation, for a human level of customer service or attention. The user is not the customer; rather, they are the product whose data is sold to advertisers.

Thus, users do not have a direct customer relationship with the platform. The network is not directly incentivised to “care” about the user before the advertiser. And no matter where you lie on the spectrum between “free speech absolutism” and “private entities have the right to censor any user”, with such low margins it is inevitable machine processing will have to be used to moderate posts and deal with the customer interface.

But it is a fact the customer processing and management capabilities Social Networks are now evolving is being utilised in a variety of ways beyond just moderation. And it is also true this automated processing is being done at scale and is now applied to every post every member makes. 68% of US voters are on Facebook. In the UK it’s 66% and France 73.2%. The figures are similar for every democratic nation in the West. So it is vitally important the applied rules should be politically neutral.

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Return to Sender: Panama Starts Flying Migrants Home… at US Taxpayer Expense

22nd August 2024

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The Republic of Panama on Tuesday initiated a new program by which illegal immigrants transiting the country are flown back to their native nations — with the cost borne by US taxpayers.

The repatriation flight program is one of multiple avenues by which new Panamanian President Jose Raul Mulino is following through on his campaign pledge to end his country’s role as a major funnel of illegal immigrants bound for the United States. Last year saw a new record, with more than a half-million migrants crossing the infamous Darien Gap jungle wilderness that spans the Panama-Colombia border region.

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Detroit Judge Sued After Putting Teen in Handcuffs

22nd August 2024

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Attorneys for a teenager who was ordered into jail clothes and handcuffs during a field trip to a Detroit court filed a lawsuit against a judge Wednesday, accusing him of humiliation, false arrest and unlawful detention.

It is the latest fallout since Judge Kenneth King singled out 15-year-old Eva Goodman for falling asleep and having what he considered to be a bad attitude while she was visiting 36th District Court on Aug. 13.

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Judge: Virginia School District Must Allow Transgender Student On Girls’ Tennis Team

22nd August 2024

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A federal judge has ruled that a Virginia school district may not prevent a transgender student from playing on a girls’ middle school tennis team while the student’s lawsuit against the school board continues.

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Brooklyn Bookstore Cancels Event Over ‘Zionist’ Moderator

22nd August 2024

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A Brooklyn bookstore this week canceled a planned book launch, reportedly over the selection of a pro-Israel rabbi to moderate the event according to The New York Post.

Author Joshua Leifer was set for a live interview with Rabbi Andy Bachman on Tuesday at the Powerhouse Arena in the DUMBO neighborhood of Brooklyn to discuss his new book, “Tablets Shattered: The End of an American Jewish Century and the Future of Jewish Life.”

However, the store canceled the event just a few hours before the planned start because the venue “would not be willing to host a conversation between me and Andy because they wouldn’t allow a Zionist on the premises,” according to Leifer, who described the decision as “unacceptable and unprofessional.”

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DHS Can’t Account for 1000s of Unaccompanied Migrant Children, IG Finds

22nd August 2024

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DHS Inspector General Joseph Cuffari released a shocking report Tuesday on the status of nearly 500,000 unaccompanied migrant children who’ve entered the country since around 2019, finding that Immigration and Customs Enforcement can’t account for an untold number of them.

According to the DHS IG, ICE has apprehended 448,820 unaccompanied migrant children since 2019.

Once ICE apprehends those children, the agency transfers them to the Health and Human Services’ Office of Refugee Resettlement. The HHS ORR is then supposed to find shelter for those children as they go through immigration court proceedings.

However, more than 32,000 unaccompanied minors have failed to show up to their court dates—and ICE can’t account for all of them, according to the DHS IG. The DHS IG also found that ICE hasn’t served notices for more than 291,000 unaccompanied minors to appear for court—meaning that many of them could be unaccounted for, too.

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US Jobs Revised Down by 818,000 in Election Year Shocker, Second Worst Revision in US History

22nd August 2024

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Back in March, when most of Wall Street and economists still believed the lies spewed forth by the Biden Bureau of Labor Statistics, which intentionally uses inaccurate, rushed “data” from the Establishment survey which is meant to pad sentiment and make the economy appear far stronger than it is for propaganda purposes (as one can see by the constant monthly downward revisions), we did an in-depth analysis looking at the actual, “uncooked” numbers published by the Philadelphia Fed preview of the annual Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages employment revision, and warned our readers that actual US payrolls are overstated by at least 800,000.

Thank you, Joe Biden.

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Today in Democrat Stupid.

21st August 2024

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Obamas electrify Democrats at Chicago convention (Washington Poop) An actual Negro! (Well, sort of…) Saying nice things about us! How cool is that?

First Thing: ‘America is ready for a better story,’ says Barack Obama (The Guardian) It’s all about the ‘story’, the Narrative. Forget what you’ve done, forget what you will do–just give is a good Story. (And you’ve got to admit, Obama is great at telling stories.)

New Talking Points Dropped: Reporters Salivate over ‘Electric,’ ‘Electrifying’ DNC

Kamala Harris is afraid of Donald Trump and Fox News (Christopher Tremoglie/Washington Examiner)

‘Fearful’ Daily Show Implores Whitmer To Have A Strategy Versus Trump

Harris Momentum Might Not Help Dems Regain House

Patrons Furious After They All Got Tossed Out of Famous Restaurant to Have ‘Staged’ Event for Harris (Nick Arama/RedState)

Rasmussen Poll: Majority Says Dems Could Have Done Better Than Harris

PBS’s Laura Barron-Lopez Eats Up ‘Kamala Cake’ and DNC’s ‘Palpable Excitement’

RFK Jr Campaign Mulling “Joining Forces With Trump” Because We ‘Run The Risk Of Enabling A Harris/Walz Presidency’

‘Oversimplified’: Food Industry Denounces Harris’s Soviet-Style Price Controls

At the DNC: buh-bye, Joe, don’t let the door hit you on the way out

The Old Man Who Saved American Democracy. Twice. (Jonathan V. Last/The Bulwark)

Chicago DNC Event Features Bizarre List Of Guests And Speakers

CNN Praises ‘Selfless’ Biden For Stepping Aside (With Pelosi’s Political Pistol To His Head)

MSNBC Gushes Over ‘Star’ Hillary Clinton’s DNC Speech, Clothes

D.C. Crime Study: ‘Existing Laws Unenforced’  Ain’t nobody got time for dat.

Harris Riding Wave of ‘Unopposed’ Media Praise, Former Clinton Adviser Says

Krugman: Harris Hasn’t Proposed Price Controls… But It’s Good That She Did  Since Krugman has always been wrong about everything, this is good to know.

U. Illinois Has 42 “Illegal” Race-, Sex-Based Scholarships: Federal Complaint

Harris Proposes Raising Corporate Tax Rate To 28 Percent  Of course she does. (Reminder for the dimwitted: Corporations do not pay tax. Corporations merely collect tax. The tax is actually paid by their customers.)

Have You Seen Kamala’s Proposed Radical Cabinet? Eric Holder, Rahm Emanuel, And More…

Tim Walz Said His Kids Were ‘Born Through’ IVF. That’s Not True.

‘Catastrophe’ in Chicago: Logistical Failures Mar First Day of DNC

Former Rep. Lee Zeldin Warns Fellow Jews: ‘We Are Not Safe Under Democrat Rule’

Anti-Oil Groups, Undeterred by Harris’s U-Turn on Fracking, Spend Big To Boost Her Campaign  Power is more important than principle.

Emmy Nomination to Terror-Tied Gazan Journalist Under Fire From Debra Messing and Other Celebrities

Boring IS Propaganda: CBS, NBC Spoonfeed Lame DNC Recaps to Make It Seem Hunky-Dory

Two Years In, Inflation Reduction Act Proves to Be the Climate Boondoggle Critics Predicted

Harris’ Unrealized Gains Tax Would Obliterate The U.S. Economy

Distorting Biden’s Foreign Policy Record To Promote Harris’ Candidacy

MSNBC’s Alex Wagner Calls Obama-Harris ‘The End of White Patriarchal Society’

Kamala Harris Supports a 25% Wealth Tax on Unrealized Gains (John Sexton/HotAir)

“The Torch Has Been Passed” – Protests Escalate As Obamas & RINOs Take The Stage On DNC Day 2

50 GOP Military Vet Lawmakers Sign Letter Condemning Walz

Kamala Harris’ Authoritarian ‘Joy’  They must mean Joy Reid.

Can the Press Help Kamala Slip Out of Being Connected to Biden?

Guess Which Radical Soros-Funded DA Could Let DNC Rioters Walk

Obamas lecture America on decency as the Democrats lie (David Harsanyi/New York Post)

David French Founds New Group ‘Evangelicals For Satan’  Babylon Bee.

Sad: Black People Turned Away In Droves As Democrats Require Photo ID To Enter Convention  Babylon Bee.


Posted in Democrats: Party of Fear--Party of Hate--Party of Death | No Comments »

Today in Trump Derangement Syndrome

21st August 2024

Obama steps back into the spotlight — and absolutely skewers Trump (Politico) Even at the Democrat National Convention, it’s all about Trump. Orange Man Bad! (‘Skewers Trump’ means ‘Says the same old lies they’ve been telling for ten years now.’)

The GOP’s greatest skill: Taking credit for things Democrats did (Catherine Rampell/Washington Post)

Florida Republicans had their favorite in this legislative primary. Then Trump got involved. (Gary Fineout/Politico)

Andy Beshear Hopes Somebody Rapes J.D. Vance’s Wife or Daughter (David Strom/HotAir)  That’s Democrats for you.

Mallory McMorrow at DNC calls Project 2025 conservative plan for a Trump dictatorship (Clara Hendrickson/Detroit Free Press)

Trump Campaign Brazenly Steals Kamala Harris’ Beyoncé Anthem (Eboni Boykin-Patterson/The Daily Beast)

Former Trump Press Secretary to Denounce Him at DNC  The RINO is strong in this one.

Harris Aide Warns of ‘All-Encompassing’ Trump If He Wins

Democrats Take On Trump With Devastating ‘Law & Order’ Parody During DNC (Kelby Vera/HuffPost)

DNC Mentions Trump Almost 150 Times

Harris campaign knocks Trump over event in ‘KKK capital of Michigan’ (Sarah Fortinsky/The Hill)

WATCH: Trump Drops the Mic After Reporter Asks Why He Visited a City ‘Linked to White Supremacy’ (Bonchie/RedState)

Trump’s Latest Scheme to Beat Harris May Have Crossed Legal Lines (Ellie Quinlan Houghtaling/New Republic)

Trump Surprised by Who Hurt His Feelings the Most at the DNC (Dan Ladden-Hall/The Daily Beast)  The Straw Man Trump is really getting beat up these days.

Trump “Disgusts Me to My Core”: Ex-MAGA Supporters Tell the World Why They’re Voting for Kamala Harris (Bess Levin/Vanity Fair)

PBS Claims of GOP ‘Demonizing’ Dem Women Popped by David Brooks in Two Words


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Seattle Jews Will Remount an Antisemitism Exhibit Alone, Months After Museum Staff Shut It Down Over ‘Zionist Perspectives’

21st August 2024

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After dozens of staffers at a Seattle museum walked off the job to protest an exhibit on antisemitism they claimed was “Zionist,” area Jewish groups and the museum all pledged that the exhibit would find a new home.

Months later, the Jewish groups are still planning to mount a version of the exhibit, called “Confronting Hate Together.” But they will do so without their original partners, the Black Heritage Society of Washington State and a museum dedicated to Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander heritage. Instead, the Jewish groups say the exhibit will be housed in a Jewish space.

The groups cited “circumstances out of our control” and said that the experience had left local Jews feeling isolated at a time of great need.

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Lincoln Escorts

21st August 2024


In a previous post noting the deployment of the Lincoln strike group (can you really call a carrier and three destroyers a strike group?), reader ‘BA 1959’ posted a comment asking where all our destroyers are since they certainly aren’t escorting our carriers. This is an excellent question and it illustrates one of ConNavOps’ overarching themes which is that the Navy should be home based, training and maintaining, instead of on deployment or, worse, trapped in the useless phases of the interminable deployment cycle.

How come the Lincoln is deploying with just three escorts? Well, partly it’s the fault of a hopelessly lost Navy leadership that either foolishly thinks carriers don’t need more escorts or believes that destroyers are better employed on worthless tasks like show-the-flag, pirate chasing, freedom of navigation exercises, forward presence, trading one-at-a-time shots with the Houthis and praying that a stray missile doesn’t get through, etc.

Think about it … if the Navy were home ported and engaged in continual training and maintenance, every ship that wasn’t in dry dock would have been available to surge as an escort for the Lincoln. That, in a nutshell, is the justification for home basing the fleet.

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Where Are the Mpox Vaccines?

21st August 2024

New York Times.

Just one day after the World Health Organization declared the deadly mpox outbreak in Africa a global health emergency, Sweden reported its first case of a dangerous strain of the disease (and there may be more cases). The threat of a pandemic of mpox is here yet again. To curb this crisis, the affected countries in Africa need tests, vaccines and people to respond. Now.

Cases of mpox (formerly known as monkeypox), a viral illness spread primarily through close physical contact, are up 160 percent in Africa compared to the first seven months of 2023. So far this year, over 15,600 cases have been reported and 537 people have died, a majority of them children.

The bulk of the spread, which is fueled by a subtype of mpox believed to cause more severe illness and death, is happening in the Democratic Republic of Congo and a dozen other African countries. This includes countries that hadn’t reported mpox cases previously, such as Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda and Uganda. The Africa Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says the reported cases are most likely just the “tip of the iceberg.” Thousands of cases may remain undetected because of cavernous gaps in surveillance, testing and contact tracing.

 Put not your trust in princes, nor in the son of man, in whom there is no help.” — Psalm 146:3.

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Thought for the Day

21st August 2024

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On DNC Day 2, Police Arrest Dozens of Anti-Israel Agitators at Protest Organized by Terror-Tied Group

21st August 2024

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Anti-Israel agitators clashed with police at an illegal protest organized by pro-terrorist groups outside of the Israeli consulate on day two of the Democratic National Convention. Hundreds of radicals used keffiyehs and masks to cover their faces, and dozens resisted as officers in riot gear arrested them.

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Irresponsible School Districts Force Teachers to Create Amazon Wish Lists

21st August 2024

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For several weeks, social media has been flooded by teachers’ posts with Amazon wish lists, soliciting others to stock their classrooms with basic supplies. Creating these lists has been commonplace in recent years as teachers look outside their schools and districts to fill their supply needs.

Some of the most popular requested items are dry erase markers, Kleenex, Lysol wipes, erasers, tape, pens, colored copy paper, file folders, and pencil sharpeners. Others request educational items such as a microscope, map, or globe, which seem essential for student learning.

This raises an obvious question: Why aren’t school districts providing teachers what they need?


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Elizabeth Warren’s Dangerous Push for a Truth and Healing Commission

21st August 2024

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Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., long has used American Indian issues to further her own political goals—from controversially proclaiming herself to be of American Indian ancestry to enhance her academic career to today, when she exploits sensitive American Indian issues as part of her own racially divisive political ploys.

As an example, look no further than Warren’s primary sponsorship of a bill designated as S. 1723. This legislation would “establish a Truth and Healing Commission on Indian Boarding School Policies in the United States,” imbue it with wide-ranging subpoena powers, and provide ample opportunities for Warren and other left-leaning politicians to reward ideological allies with plum positions on the panel and its “other necessary advisory committees and subcommittees,” which would control an annual slush fund of $15 million.

Appointees to this commission would be entitled to up to a half-month’s compensation at the six-figure rate of a GS-14 government employee, be reimbursed for potentially extensive travel expenses, and could have government employees detailed to them without it being charged back to their budget.

And on top of that, most of the commissioners’ records and communications would be exempted from public disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act, more commonly known by its acronym of FOIA.

It’s a prime perch from which to abuse power.

Posted in Democrats: Party of Fear--Party of Hate--Party of Death | No Comments »

Gaetz’s Primary Is ‘Last Stop’ on McCarthy ‘Revenge Tour’

21st August 2024

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Rep. Matt Gaetz,R-Fla., is facing a primary challenge from a candidate backed by former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., in Tuesday’s primary, the final stop on what’s being branded as McCarthy’s “revenge tour.”

It would appear that the House is well rid of this … person.

UPDATE: Gaetz fends off primary challenge in Florida, dealing blow to McCarthy (Julia Mueller/The Hill)


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Judge Strikes Down Biden Ban on Worker ‘Noncompete’ Pacts

21st August 2024

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A federal judge in Texas on Tuesday barred a U.S. Federal Trade Commission rule from taking effect that would ban agreements commonly signed by workers not to join their employers’ rivals or launch competing businesses.

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What’s Really Happening With Monkeypox

21st August 2024

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The World Health Organization (WHO) acted as expected this week and declared Mpox a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC). So, a problem in a small number of African countries that has killed about the same number of people this year as die every four hours from tuberculosis has come to dominate international headlines. This is raising a lot of angst from some circles against the WHO.

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Group That Pushes Finance to Blacklist Conservatives Calls Debanking a ‘Conspiracy Theory’

21st August 2024

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The Southern Poverty Law Center, which pressures financial institutions to blacklist the mainstream conservative and Christian organizations it places on a “hate map” with chapters of the Ku Klux Klan, published an article purportedly “debunking ADF’s ‘debanking’ conspiracy theory.”

Alliance Defending Freedom, the organization SPLC attacked, has raised the alarm about financial institutions denying banking services to customers based on their religious or political affiliations. ADF has pointed to numerous instances of what it describes as debanking, though the banks in question claim the denials of service were not religiously or politically motivated.

SPLC not only took the banks’ word for it, but acted as though its own calls for financial institutions to stop “funding hate” did not amount to a debanking pressure campaign.


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Death Camp Survivor, Pro-Life Activists Convicted Over Peaceful Pro-Life Protest

21st August 2024

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A Michigan jury has found seven pro-life activists guilty of engaging in a conspiracy against rights and violations of the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances, or FACE, Act for peacefully protesting outside of an abortion clinic.

The charges against the pro-life activists were brought by President Joe Biden’s administration, specifically the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division led by Kristen Clarke. The Daily Wire reported Tuesday that the DOJ has used the conspiracy against rights charge, which was originally designed for the Ku Klux Klan, to prosecute the pro-lifers, who face 10 years in prison as well as heavy fines.

One of these pro-life activists is 89-year-old Eva Edl, who survived a World War II-era death camp before escaping to the United States. She has devoted her life to protecting unborn babies.

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From Inflation to Recession

21st August 2024

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Regime journalists across America wet themselves last week as year-on-year ticked below 3% for the first time since 2021. As The New York Times put it, “Easing inflation has Democrats tasting victory.”

That’s quite a lot to taste for a 0.1% annual move in inflation—assuming you believe the numbers—especially considering inflation actually went up on the month.

In fact, a more sober reading is that inflation’s been stuck way above the Federal Reserve’s target as that famous transitory inflation logs its 40th month with no end in sight.

More important, falling inflation in a weakening economy is not what the party the communists—er, the journalists—think it is.

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