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Archive for August, 2024

Thought for the Day

1st August 2024

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Blue State Blues: L.A. Officials Reject Newsom Order to Clear Out Homeless Encampments

1st August 2024

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Los Angeles officials are pushing back on California Gov. Gavin Newsom’s order this month to start clearing homeless encampments, arguing the effort to clean up the city’s streets won’t work.

Not as long as it’s in the hands of Democrats, it won’t. That’s an obvious truth.


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MSNBC News? Unlike CNN, ‘Morning Joe’ Clings to Cat Ladies and Kamala Pom Poms

1st August 2024

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As they do.

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Kamala Harris & The Californication Of America

1st August 2024

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If you have ever confronted the astonishing hatred that San Francisco Bay Area Democrats have for anything Republican, much less MAGA Republican, then you understand why Kamala Harris may become the next president of the United States.

This isn’t a hate that is grounded in reality. It is nurtured by decades of propaganda, backed by trillions of dollars in big tech wealth, and, lately, the most powerful tools of mass hypnosis and Pavlovian conditioning the world has ever seen. If you question any of their pieties—climate, race, gender, Trump—you are instantly and permanently dehumanized. It is impossible to change their minds. There is no room for nuance. There is no tolerance for alternative perspectives. You are hated. You are garbage. Give up. Die.

This is Kamala Harris’s core constituency.

There is never a kinetic strike handy when you need one.

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Whoopi Reads Talking Points from Card, Claims VP ‘Never’ Border Czar

1st August 2024

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After waiting a week, NewsBusters can report that ABC’s The View had finally done the meme and falsely claimed Vice President Kamala Harris (the presumptive Democratic Party nominee) was “never” the border czar. In fact, during Wednesday’s episode, moderator Whoopi Goldberg literally held up a note card and seemingly read the widely spread Democratic Party talking points about “root causes” of migration and the lie that President Biden never appointed her to that role.

After playing dueling ads where the Trump campaign noted that Harris was the border czar, Goldberg snarkily suggested: “let’s get some factual information, right?”

Whoopi Goldberg strikes me as the Platonic ideal of the FUBB whose only goal in life is to be an annoyance to others.

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Kamala’s “Indian-Caucasian-Jamaican” Birth Certificate Resurfaces As Trump Triggers Race Debate

1st August 2024

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As expected, the left is now in histrionics after Donald Trump suggested that Kamala Devi Harris might not be black, after he was asked a loaded question by an ABC News journalist Rachel Scott in front of the National Association of Black Journalists.

To recap, Scott asked Trump if he thinks Harris is ‘only on the ticket because she is a black woman?’ to which Trump replied, accurately, that Harris has identified as an Indian-American – which she openly campaigned on.

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Trump Proposes Eliminating Taxes on Social Security Benefits for Seniors

1st August 2024

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Trump made the announcement on his Truth Social platform. He wrote: “SENIORS SHOULD NOT PAY TAX ON SOCIAL SECURITY!”

Social Security can be claimed starting at age 62, although benefits increase the longer one waits to claim them, with benefits capping out at a retirement age of 70.

The taxation of Social Security began in 1984 with legislation signed by President Ronald Reagan. Seniors receiving Social Security income pay taxes on 50% of their income from the program, and in some cases, as high as 85% if their combined income from other sources pushes them above a certain threshold.

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DNC Official Gives Devastating Assessment of ‘Weirdly Unpopular’ Kamala Harris in Bombshell Secret Recording and Reveals Fundraising Tactic That Will Leave Donors Furious

1st August 2024

UK Daily Mail.

A member of Kamala Harris’s team who is also a prominent member of the Democratic National Committee was filmed conceding that she will not ‘win this year.’

Kamala Harris Campaign Compliance Manager Joyce DeCerce – who is a Compliance Manager for the DNC – could be seen lamenting how Harris is ‘weirdly unpopular’, while seemingly admitting to making empty promises to donors.

In the footage, DeCerce agrees that the campaign fundraising strategy is to ‘take their money and tell them what they want to hear.’

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Organization Fighting Radical Gender Ideology in California Sues School District for Withholding Public Records

1st August 2024

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The nonprofit that has been exposing radical gender ideology in California filed a lawsuit Wednesday against the public school district in Burbank, California, for failing to comply with state law by providing requested documents.

Burbank Unified School District, in Los Angeles County, hasn’t responded to the Center for American Liberty’s repeated records requests, the organization says. This silence violates the California Public Records Act, which requires the state government to disclose records to the public upon request, notes the nonprofit dedicated to protecting free speech and civil liberties.

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Parents Petition Denver Schools to Stop ‘Seal of Diversity’ Program

1st August 2024

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A Denver high school allows students to take classes such as Queer Literature and Gender Studies to earn a “Seal of Diversity” award.

Students can submit a short, five-minute application to be part of the program, then take “diversity, equity, and inclusion”-related classes and engage with a DEI-related club or organization on campus to receive the award, according to documents obtained by The Daily Signal through a Colorado Open Records Act request.

“This award, to me, represents who we are, and should all aspire to be at East [High School], and I’m so proud of how many of you live that every day,” social studies teacher Dylan Fehrman said to members of the program in a message on March 23, 2023.

The Colorado Parent Advocacy Network told The Daily Signal it’s calling for an investigation into the classes, lesson plans, books, articles, and other materials used in the Seal of Diversity program.

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A ‘Watershed Event’: Five Takeaways From Israel’s Assassination Of Hamas’ Political Leader In Tehran

1st August 2024

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Payback is a bitch.

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Why ‘Right Side of History’ Is Often Wrong

1st August 2024

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Unanticipated incidents, be they acts of God or assassination attempts, define themselves. Others, from proposed legislation to controversial court cases, are subject to the manipulation of their acolytes.

Claiming to be on “the right side of history” is a common tactic such people employ. The phrase, usually emanating from the Left, is used as a debate-stopper, an argument-ender, a moral cudgel, as if the one who invokes it has special insight into the ultimate judgment of things (which, ironically, implies an ultimate judge, an implication most of them are unwilling to accept).

But the judgments of man are notoriously fickle. As the eminent 20th-century journalist John Chamberlain said: “There is no compulsion on the decent human being to be ‘with history’ when history is driving headlong toward an abyss.”

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