We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Archive for June, 2024

‘My Life’s Work’: Heritage Foundation Chief Urges Abolishing Federal Education Department

14th June 2024

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The Department of Education has never educated one person. Not one. Ever.

Roberts, himself a former K-12 and college educator, made the case for abolishing the Cabinet-level department in an interview with podcast co-host Tim Kennedy. Roberts called that policy goal his “life’s work.”

“The Department of Education got it wrong on the first minute of its existence in 1979,” he contended, “because it is such a terrible idea to centralize or attempt to centralize education policy, education funding, [and] curriculum questions.”

The department was created near the end of the Carter administration at the behest of the teachers unions.

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GOP Calls Out 51 Intel Officials Over Hunter Biden Laptop

14th June 2024

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In the days since Hunter Biden’s laptop was entered into evidence in his Delaware gun trial, Republican lawmakers have called out the 51 intelligence officials who originally cast doubt on its authenticity before the 2020 election.

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Justice Department Chides Phoenix Police Over Civil Rights Violations

14th June 2024

New York Times.

Unlike in other federal investigations of city police, no single incident kicked off the Biden administration review, which covered the years between 2019 and 2022. But Phoenix had the highest number of fatal police shootings in the country in 2018, resulting in 23 deaths, and critics cite a history of mistreatment of minorities and disabled and homeless people.

The Justice Department said it wants to work with Phoenix to put reforms in place, even though city officials have indicated they do not want the federal involvement. That could potentially provoke a fraught confrontation between the Biden administration and the largest city in a pivotal swing state. Last month, former President Donald J. Trump, the presumed Republican candidate, appeared to have an edge in the state, according to a poll of registered voters. President Biden narrowly won Arizona in the 2020 election.

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Secret Alito Recording Reveals Deeper Agenda to Delegitimize SCOTUS, Experts Say

14th June 2024

The Foundry.

Democratic lawmakers are escalating their attacks on Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito in the wake of secret recordings that were obtained last week of the justice agreeing that America should return “to a place of godliness.”

Sounds good to me.

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House Panel Subpoenas Biden Cabinet on Electioneering Executive Order

14th June 2024

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The House committee with oversight of elections is subpoenaing 15 members of the Biden administration’s Cabinet regarding the implementation of the president’s executive order to use federal agencies to partner with left-leaning groups for get-out-the-vote purposes in 2024.

The House Administration Committee is investigating President Joe Biden’s Executive Order 14919, signed in March 2021, that requires federal agencies to partner with private interests to boost voter participation. The committee previously advanced legislation to block funding of the order.

“Elections are partisan, but our election administration should never be partisan,” House Administration Committee Chairman Bryan Steil, R-Wis., said in a public statement. “Allowing federal employees from the Biden administration to flood election administration sites threatens election integrity and reduces Americans’ confidence.”

The Biden administration has been secretive about the implementation of the plan. Critics of the order have called it “Bidenbucks.”

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14th June 2024

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Hoe_math explains why promiscuity is a Bad Thing.

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Taxes Spur Expats to Mull Citizenship Renunciation

13th June 2024

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Nearly 1 million American citizens living abroad are considering renouncing their citizenship due to U.S. tax filing requirements, according to 1040 Abroad, a tax filing firm for expatriates.

There is a YouTube channel called Nomad Capitalist that specializes in such things. It’s motto is “Go Where You’re Treated Best”. Apparently the U.S. ain’t it.

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Contempt for Garland

13th June 2024

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House Republicans voted to hold Attorney General Merrick Garland in contempt — they don’t like him either, but the vote was official business. They voted to hold him in contempt of Congress for failing to turn over the subpoenaed recording of President Biden’s interview with special counsel Robert Hur. Hur found President Biden to be incompetent to stand trial and thus found charges based on Biden’s mishandling of classified documents to be inappropriate. Not unreasonably, House Republicans want to go to the tape.

What does it matter? Ask Eric Holder what happens to an Attorney General held in contempt of Congress. (Hint: Nothing.)

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MELTDOWN: SPLC Terminates a Quarter of Staff, ‘Decimates’ 3 Departments, Union Claims

13th June 2024

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The far-left smear factory the Southern Poverty Law Center reportedly terminated a quarter of its staff Wednesday, weakening and perhaps eliminating two of its departments amid a restructure that heavily hit its union members.

The SPLC “gutted its staff by a quarter,” the organization’s union posted on X. (Yes, this nonprofit organization has its own labor union. If staff get tired of protesting Alliance Defending Freedom, they can protest management, instead.) The SPLC told more than 60 union members, including five union stewards and the union’s chair, that they would be losing their jobs.

How sad.

Posted in Democrats: Party of Fear--Party of Hate--Party of Death | 1 Comment »

Germany Rocked by Spate of Brutal Stabbings

13th June 2024

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Three acts of seemingly random—and certainly horrific—violence on Monday, June 10th, collectively raise the question: what is going on in Germany?

The country, which is about to begin hosting the European football championship, has seen around 60 knife attacks per day in recent years.

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8 Climate Protesters Arrested at Congressional Baseball Game

13th June 2024

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Eight climate protesters were arrested Wednesday night after running onto the field during the Congressional Baseball Game at Nationals Park in Washington, D.C.

During the second inning, the protesters hopped the fence to the field, wearing shirts saying, “END FOSSIL FUELS.”

U.S. Capitol Police and security members quickly tackled the protesters. Police removed the eight demonstrators and the game resumed, the Washington Examiner reported.

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Thought for the Day

13th June 2024

A.F. Branco for Jun 09, 2024

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Taboos and Self-Censorship Among U.S. Psychology Professors

13th June 2024

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We identify points of conflict and consensus regarding (a) controversial empirical claims and (b) normative preferences for how controversial scholarship—and scholars—should be treated. In 2021, we conducted qualitative interviews (n = 41) to generate a quantitative survey (N = 470) of U.S. psychology professors’ beliefs and values. Professors strongly disagreed on the truth status of 10 candidate taboo conclusions: For each conclusion, some professors reported 100% certainty in its veracity and others 100% certainty in its falsehood. Professors more confident in the truth of the taboo conclusions reported more self-censorship, a pattern that could bias perceived scientific consensus regarding the inaccuracy of controversial conclusions. Almost all professors worried about social sanctions if they were to express their own empirical beliefs. Tenured professors reported as much self-censorship and as much fear of consequences as untenured professors, including fear of getting fired. Most professors opposed suppressing scholarship and punishing peers on the basis of moral concerns about research conclusions and reported contempt for peers who petition to retract papers on moral grounds. Younger, more left-leaning, and female faculty were generally more opposed to controversial scholarship. These results do not resolve empirical or normative disagreements among psychology professors, but they may provide an empirical context for their discussion.

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AI in Education May Require Us to Return to 15th-Century Pedagogy

13th June 2024

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Not that there’s anything wrong with that….

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The Green Road to Tyranny

13th June 2024

The American Mind.

In all the hysteria about the threat to democracy connected to the bombast of Donald Trump, an arguably greater long-term threat is mounting, though all but ignored, from the well-funded green movement. Increasingly, as Jonathan Blake and Nils Gilman write in their new book, Children of a Modest Star, the much ballyhooed threat of climate change means that power needs to be stripped from nation-states and transferred to “planetary governance” informed by “planetary sapience,” which would then decree how humans use and generate energy.

Such proposals reflect not just extremism as exemplified by the leftist green parties but have support in the corporate establishment in both Europe and North America. Post-national governance has been an intrinsic aspect of corporate liberalism since at least the Club of Rome?report, issued in 1972, financed by Italy’s oligarchic Agnelli family. That report pioneered the agenda of central control, austerity, and retrenchment necessary to stave off what was seen as inevitable population-driven mass starvation and social chaos.

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New Zealand Cancels the Climate Change Cow Fart Tax

13th June 2024

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The new Conservative New Zealand Coalition Government has cancelled a climate flatulence tax which was due to start in 2025.

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Caucus Cash: How Black and Hispanic Leaders Raise Millions From Big Business

13th June 2024

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But two of them – the Congressional Black Caucus and the Congressional Hispanic Caucus – stand out for the unparalleled fundraising they do through independent but closely aligned nonprofit arms. Filled with current members of Congress and representatives from some of America’s largest corporations, the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation and the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute operate outside of normal campaign finance laws to raise millions of dollars each year.

Needless to say, these are composed entirely of Democrats. Black Republicans have tried to join the Congressional Black Caucus in the past and been rejected.

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19-Story ‘First-Class’ Housing Tower Opens on LA’s Skid Row, Features Art & Music Rooms

13th June 2024

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The price tag for a ‘first-class’ high-rise for the homeless and drug addicts in the utopian progressive hellhole neighborhood of Skid Row, located in downtown Los Angeles, has topped nearly $600k per unit. The building comprises 228 studios and 50 one-bedroom apartments, with the total project costing taxpayers $165 million. This project was financed by state housing funds and $56 million in state tax credits.

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Hezbollah Rains Down 160 Rockets on Northern Israel as War Expands

13th June 2024

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The Israel-Hezbollah war continues spreading and expanding along the border region, as on Wednesday the Shia paramilitary group backed by Iran fired some 160 missiles into Israel after the IDF killed a top Hezbollah commander, Taleb Sami Abdullah, in south Lebanon the day prior.

According to details from a regional war correspondent, Hezbollah “fired missiles and rockets at two Israeli military bases in retaliation for the Israeli strike on a house about six miles from Israel’s northern border, inside Lebanon, that killed Abdullah, 55, and three other Hezbollah officials who were meeting there.”

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‘Pig Book’ Exposes $22.7B in Congressional Earmarks

13th June 2024

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Republican House lawmakers joined Citizens Against Government Waste (CAGW) on Wednesday in releasing the 32nd annual edition of the “Congressional Pig Book,” a compilation of “pork-barrel” projects in the federal budget.

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Blue State Blues: Three Philly Coffee Shops Forced to Close After Unionization Attempts Result in “Staggering” Costs

13th June 2024

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Turns out trying to extort the person paying your salary isn’t the best way to go about making sure a business is successful.

Take Philadelphia, for instance, where a chain of three OCF Coffee Houses are closing down “immediately” after its workers informed the owner of their intent to unionize.

Instead, now, none of them have jobs.

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Lia (Richard) Thomas Banned From Competing in Women’s Olympics

13th June 2024

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In a shocking announcement, the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) blocked a challenge from transgender swimmer Lia Thomas making it so that Thomas cannot compete in the women’s category in the Olympics or any other elite swimming competition.

They must not have gotten the memo.

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Biden Faces First Lawsuit Over Asylum Crackdown at the Border

13th June 2024

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A coalition of immigrant advocacy groups sued the Biden administration on Wednesday over President Joe Biden’s recent directive that effectively halts asylum claims at the southern border, saying it differs little from a similar move during the Trump administration that was blocked by the courts.

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Some of Our New Arrivals Coming Across the Southern Border May Have Been Planning an Attack

13th June 2024

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Fancy that. Is anyone at all surprised? Even a smidgen?


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American Cities With the Most Illegal Immigrants

12th June 2024

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Rates of illegal entries into the United States have spiked in recent years, and in cities across the country, federal law enforcement are encountering thousands of undocumented migrants every month. With the 2024 presidential election only months away, and immigration as a leading issue for millions of voters, the Biden administration has adopted a hard-line approach to border security. Exactly how effective the new policy will be — both politically, and at its stated goal of reducing the flow of illegal migrants — remains to be seen.

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How to Make SPAM Ramen Burgers

12th June 2024

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If, of course, that’s what you wan to do.

Guaranteed to make you vote Democrat.

(I’m waiting for the Blackened SPAM Burrito.)

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NYPD: Vandals Deface Homes of Brooklyn Museum Jewish Board Members

12th June 2024

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Board members of CAIR are, of course, perfectly safe.

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The Economist: NY Times Bestseller List Biased Against Conservatives

12th June 2024

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An investigation by The Economist found The New York Times bestseller list is biased against books from conservative publishers, saying they are “7 percentage points less likely” to make the list than books from publishers with similar sales figures.

My, what a surprise. Aren’t you surprised? I’m sure surprised.

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US Government News Agency Attempted To Stonewall Congressional Corruption Probe, Report Finds

12th June 2024

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As they do.

The U.S. Agency for Global Media (USAGM), which oversees American-funded news outlets across the globe, attempted to stonewall a congressional investigation into corruption at the agency and privately pleaded with a lawmaker to end the probe as investigators began to uncover widespread misconduct at the organization’s highest levels, according to a report obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.

The House Foreign Affairs Committee, led by Rep. Michael McCaul (R., Texas), determined that senior USAGM employees spent years trying to shield agency executive Setareh Sieg from discipline over allegations she “used taxpayer funds for personal travel, falsified her educational credentials to obtain high-level employment, and engaged in a pattern of favoritism that materially benefitted some employees at the expense of the public.”

The report on the committee’s investigation, released Tuesday and reviewed in advance by the Free Beacon, shows that the allegations against Sieg, the onetime director of Voice of America’s Persian News Network, “have merit and are supported by substantial evidence.” The conclusion was reached even as USAGM officials tried to protect Sieg from scrutiny and pleaded with McCaul’s team to drop the years-long probe.

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‘Monster’ Woman Charged With Stabbing Three-Year-Old to Death & Laughs About It

12th June 2024

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Julian Wood and Bionca Ellis.

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Suicide Drone Boat Hits Bulk Carrier Near Yemen

12th June 2024

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‘Suicide drone’? Was it self-aware and guided by AI?

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Appeals Court Upholds Ban on Student Wearing ‘Only Two Genders’ Shirt

12th June 2024

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A U.S. appeals court on June 9 upheld a ban preventing a Massachusetts middle school student from wearing a shirt reading “There are only two genders.”

Another prohibition by school administrators, this time blocking the same student from wearing the shirt with “only two” covered by tape, on which was written “censored,” is also allowed under court precedent, according to the ruling by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the First Circuit.

Time to leave.

“The question here is not whether the t-shirts should have been barred. The question is who should decide whether to bar them—educators or federal judges. Based on Tinker, the cases applying it, and the specific record here, we cannot say that in this instance the Constitution assigns the sensitive (and potentially consequential) judgment about what would make ‘an environment conducive to learning’ at NMS to us rather than to the educators closest to the scene,” U.S. Circuit Judge David Barron wrote for a unanimous panel of the court.

The question is not whether to have censorship – that is obviously yes – but who is to do the censoring. Time to leave.

“[The school] permissibly concluded that the shirt invades the rights of others,” Judge Talwani said before quoting Tinker. “Schools can prohibit speech that is in ‘collision with the rights of others to be secure and be let alone.’”

Orwell, you were SO right….

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Thought for the Day

12th June 2024

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How to Make Colored Fire at Home

12th June 2024

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If, of course, that’s what you want to do.

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Does Visiting South Africa Make You More Right-Wing or More Left-Wing?

12th June 2024

Tyler Cowan, an economist at George Mason University in D.C.

The right-wing tendencies are easiest to explain. South Africa is obviously much wealthier than the rest of sub-Saharan Africa, and of course Westerners play a larger role in its history and also in its present. You can put different glosses on that, but a variety of those paths lead to right-wing conclusions. The left-wing lessons are more novel to ponder, here are a few.

Cowan is generally libertarian, and when dealing with libertarians, labels such as ‘right-wing’ or ‘left-wing’ really say more about which Modern Political Tribe one belongs to than it does to the labelee. Generally libertarians tend to be realistic about Noticing, so he’s got that going for him.

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Harvard Student Facing Criminal Charges for Accosting Israeli Classmate Lands Job in DC Public Defender’s Office

12th June 2024

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The student, identified in a Washington Free Beacon report as Harvard Law Review editor Ibrahim Bharmal, has landed an immigration law clerkship with the Public Defender Service for the District of Columbia, according to a LinkedIn post. Bharmal and divinity school graduate student Elom Tettey-Tamaklo were each charged with two misdemeanors on May 19 stemming from their conduct at an Oct. 18 “die-in” protest held outside Harvard Business School. Bharmal and Tettey-Tamaklo were captured on camera accosting a first-year Israeli business school student, surrounding the student and making it difficult for him to walk freely, as keffiyeh-clad onlookers shouted, “SHAME!”

Bharmal was charged with misdemeanor assault and battery and with violations of the Massachusetts Civil Rights Act, which prohibits attempts to “intimidate or interfere with … any other person in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to him [or her] by the constitution.” Bharmal is expected back in court in September for his arraignment and faces up to 100 days in jail for each count, court filings reviewed by the Free Beacon show

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Daughter of ‘Palestine Chronicle’ Editor Works for American Muslims for Palestine

12th June 2024

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The daughter of Palestine Chronicle editor in chief Ramzy Baroud works for American Muslims for Palestine, a leading anti-Israel group that has defended Hamas terrorism and spearheaded anti-Semitic campus protests—activism that prompted Israeli terror victims to sue the group for providing “substantial assistance to Hamas.”

The Palestine Chronicle, a little-known nonprofit based in Washington state, was thrust into the spotlight this week after Israel revealed that one of its writers, Abdallah Aljamal, held hostages on Hamas’s behalf. Its editor in chief, Baroud, is a U.S.-based writer who defended Hamas in the wake of Oct. 7 and worked for the Qatari-funded Al Jazeera outlet. He also has bylines on two Iranian regime-controlled websites that the U.S. government says were run by Tehran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps, the Washington Free Beacon first reported Monday.

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The CRAZIEST Thing That Ever Happened In a Train Station

11th June 2024

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This gives me hope for America.

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A Matter of Taste

11th June 2024

The American Mind.

The gentle haze of default social progressivism continues wafting unbroken in the background of most big-ticket pop art. For every Chris Pratt sermon at the MTV awards, ten more nature documentaries about gay flamingoes are greenlit. There are various reasons why the silent majority continues to sit and take this in its charmingly but unproductively silent way.


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Six Suspected Terrorists With ISIS Ties Arrested in Sting Operation in New York, Los Angeles and Philadelphia: sources

11th June 2024

New York Post.

“Remember the Boston marathon [bombing]? I’m afraid something like that might happen again or worse,” one of the sources told The Post.

The target who was subject to the wiretap was previously released by federal authorities at the southern border with a court date next year, but it has since emerged he has potential ties to ISIS, sources said.


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Granddaughter of Hillary Clinton’s ‘Mentor’ Arrested in Anti-Israel Protests

11th June 2024

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The granddaughter of Hillary Clinton’s mentor was arrested on felony burglary charges after she occupied a Stanford University building during anti-Israel protests last week.

Zoe Edelman, a rising senior and a managing editor of the Stanford Daily, was one of 13 students who barricaded themselves inside the Stanford president’s office while demanding that the school divest from Israel, according to arrest records.

Edelman is the granddaughter of Children’s Defense Fund founder Marian Wright Edelman, whom Hillary Clinton has called “my hero and mentor.” Clinton interned with Marian Wright Edelman while studying at Yale Law School, and she later served on the board of the Children’s Defense Fund.

The turd doesn’t fall far from the anus.

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Jay-Z’s School Choice Initiative Draws Left-Wing Fury

11th June 2024

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Rap artist Jay-Z drew outrage from left-wing critics over the weekend when his talent agency unveiled an initiative to promote a school-choice program that would give Philadelphia’s low-income students access to the city’s prestigious private schools.

Roc Nation, the talent agency Jay-Z founded, will host events to educate residents about proposed legislation in the Pennsylvania Senate that would distribute from public funds up to $300 million in scholarships to low-income students. The legislation is similar to school-choice voucher programs across the country that give students the opportunity to pursue education at private schools rather than low-performing public schools.

“We want to empower the youth and families with the knowledge to pursue their scholastic dreams, make their voices heard, and become the leaders of tomorrow,” Roc Nation’s managing director of philanthropy Dania Diaz said of the initiative. Left-wing opponents of school-choice policies, however, described Jay-Z’s education initiative as a betrayal and a sinister collaboration with right-wing forces.

“This is no different than the right-wing efforts in Arizona, Florida and elsewhere just because they put a Black face on it,” wrote Nikole Hannah-Jones, creator of the New York Times’s controversial 1619 Project series.

“All within the stete, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state.” — Benito Mussolini

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Virginia NAACP Sues Shenandoah School Board Over Reinstating Confederate Names Stripped After George Floyd Killing

11th June 2024

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“The Virginia NAACP is bringing this lawsuit on behalf of its members and families, including students in the Shenandoah County school system,” the NAACP’s press release announcing the lawsuit reads. “The families whose children attend Shenandoah County Public Schools seek the removal of Confederate names and mascots and to prevent any future naming involving Confederate leaders. The Virginia NAACP will not allow localities to advance white supremacy. The Virginia NAACP will continue to fight against policies and legislation that serve to send the Commonwealth of Virginia backward.”

The lawsuit comes after the school board voted to reverse a 2020 decision to change the schools’ names because they were linked to Confederate leaders. On May 10, the Shenandoah board voted 5-1 to reinstate the original names, with Mountain View High School going back to the name Stonewall Jackson High School and Honey Run Elementary School returning to the name Ashby-Lee Elementary School.


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DC Authorities Shrug as Pro-Hamas Vandals Deface Statues of American Heroes

11th June 2024

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They made a mess of the area, desecrated monuments to heroes of the American Revolution, burned American flags, harassed officers of the law—the very few who even arrived to do anything at all—and despite many wearing face masks, revealed the true face of their movement.

I don’t say “pro-Hamas” lightly here. Many were wearing Hamas headbands.


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Biden White House Suffers Embarrassing Defeat Defending Powerful Mexican Labor Union

11th June 2024

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The White House took the unprecedented step of intervening in an international labor dispute last year after a push from powerful U.S. labor unions. Then, months later, a multi-nation tribunal threw the case out, handing a defeat to the administration and its labor allies.

Last year, the AFL-CIO and United Steelworkers—which collectively represent more than 13 million American workers and regularly funnel millions of dollars to Democratic campaigns, according to Federal Election Commission data—made their formal appeal to the White House’s Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR), according to legal filings reviewed by the Washington Free Beacon.

In the appeal, the unions called on the administration to invoke a little-known clause in the 2020 North American trade agreement in support of Los Mineros, a Mexican miners’ union locked in a years-long labor dispute with the massive San Martin mine in Zacatecas, Mexico. The White House, which regularly claims to be the most pro-union White House in U.S. history, soon obliged and assembled a panel to review the case.

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Report: Patagonia Sent Thousands to Palestinian Terror Groups

11th June 2024

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Patagonia, the U.S.-based outdoor clothing retailer, funneled tens of thousands of dollars to a progressive organization linked to Palestinian terror groups, according to the Washington Examiner.

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‘Concerned for My Daughter’s Safety’: 2 More Minnesota School Districts Issue Transgender Guidelines Allowing Boys in Girls’ Spaces

11th June 2024

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Time to leave.

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NYC Bird Group Drops Name of Slave Owner Audubon

11th June 2024

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The conservationist group known as NYC Audubon changed its name to NYC Bird Alliance to distance itself from the pro-slavery views of ornithologist and illustrator John James Audubon, the organization announced.

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Biden Proposes to Ban Medical Debt From Credit Reports, Loan Decisions

11th June 2024

Washington Poop.

The draft rules, arriving less than five months before Election Day, are part of President Biden’s argument that he is addressing pocketbook problems.

Yeah, by picking the pocket of people who loan money to make things easier for deadbeat Democrats (but I repeat myself). No wonder the economy is in the toilet, with the government changing the rules every time you turn around.

Buy those votes! Buy those votes!

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Taxpayers Ensure Criminals Can Celebrate Pride Month, Too

11th June 2024

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In the midst of the infamous “Pride Month,” with rainbow flags seemingly in every store window and on every company logo, we got an inside look at how two federal agencies celebrate Pride Month—especially their inclusion of the criminals they supervise by providing them resource guides for LGBTQ-friendly housing, employment, mental health groups, and more.

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