We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Archive for June, 2024

Supreme Court Says U.S. Citizens Don’t Have Right to Bring Noncitizen Spouses to U.S.

22nd June 2024

Wall Street Journal.

Not a problem! Just have them sneak across the border. They’ll get free housing, free college for themselves and their kids, preference in hiring for government jobs, the prospects are endless!

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You Will Not Believe the American Tax Dollars Wasted on These Failed Weapons Program

22nd June 2024

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Nobody wastes money like a government.

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AGAIN? Another Collective of Soros-Funded Groups Pressures Big Tech for Election Censorship

22nd June 2024


The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, an anti-free speech, Soros-funded organization, spearheaded a new letter claiming that Big Tech companies must “protect voters” from so-called “disinformation.”

Other anti-free speech groups co-signed the effort and over a third of the groups signing the letter were Soros-funded. The letter was addressed to the CEOs of Google, Meta, X, TikTok, Snap, Reddit, Instagram, YouTube and Twitch.

In it, the groups proposed multiple censorship measures to silence free speech they disagree with — all while artificially promoting content they approve.

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Hundreds Of Thousands Of Americans Are Going “Off Grid” In Anticipation Of What Is Coming

22nd June 2024

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As our society descends into chaos, vast numbers of people are choosing to pull the plug and walk away. Of course it is nearly impossible to completely escape the ubiquitous madness that is seemingly all around us, but many are finding that an “off grid” lifestyle gives them the best opportunity to insulate themselves as much as possible. When you become less dependent on the system, what happens to the system has less of an impact on you. Unfortunately, it appears that our system is heading into a full-blown meltdown, and a significant portion of the population is feverishly making preparations in anticipation of what is coming.

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DHS ‘Intelligence Experts Group’ Classified Military Service, Religion, & Trump-Support As Indicators Of Domestic Extremism & Terrorism

22nd June 2024

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A now disbanded group in Joe Biden’s Department Homeland Security (DHS) classified Trump supporters, members of the military, and people with religious views as persons likely to commit “domestic violent extremist” attacks, newly released internal files show.

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Leader of Maryland LGBTQ+ Dems Caught in Alleged Pedo Sting, Trying to Meet With Young Boy

22nd June 2024

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My, what a surprise.

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Battery-Electric “Infinity Train” Will Charge Itself Using Gravity

22nd June 2024

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So essentially, while details are scant at this point, it seems what’s happening here is that for one or more of Fortescue’s mining sites, the team has calculated that there’s enough downhill slope and braking opportunities in the loaded direction to charge up the battery regeneratively, and the train is so much lighter when it’s unloaded that the battery can take it all the way back to the mine and start the journey again without needing a charge.

Not clear how that helps anything outside of that ‘little engine that could’ scenario.

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“I saw this advert from 1956 on Instagram and can’t work out how a fridge from nearly 70 years ago basically has better features than the fridge I own now.”

22nd June 2024

Read it. And watch the video.

I’d pay big bucks for a fridge thus equipped.

Sometimes the old ways are best.

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Why Has Britain Become So Poor?

22nd June 2024

The Times.

Even eastern Europe is catching up with our sluggish GDP. Our politicians have been slow to act, but economists say there’s still reason for hope,

The problem is that their politicians have been entirely too quick to act, because every time politicians ‘act’, they screw something up, and this is never more true than when it comes to the economy. The government of the old Soviet Union was always very quick to ‘act’, and that didn’t end well.

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The Psychotherapy Myth

22nd June 2024

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The chief content of this myth is that people often cannot process or work through adverse events and traumas—abuses, breakups, firings, humiliations—and sometimes even repress the memories because they are too painful for the psyche to assimilate. But repressed or poorly processed traumas do not simply subside; they fester, and they spread, causing further psychological pain and maladaptive behaviors. Time alone, it seems, does not heal psychic wounds. But if the sufferer works through the trauma, potentially recovering repressed or degraded memories, she can understand and perhaps even eradicate the sources of her misery. Thus, the talking cure is indispensable, and a stoic embrace of silent suffering, once lauded, is not only a species of misguided masculinism, but is inimical to mental health.

The psychotherapy myth is often coupled with, though sometimes contradicted by, another pervasive myth, the brain-chemical imbalance myth. According to this myth, depression is not caused by repressed trauma, at least that is not the essence of depression, but rather by a chemical imbalance (perhaps especially by an imbalance of serotonin). The talking cure might work, but only if it restores chemical equilibrium; and often therapy is not enough. Antidepressants are needed. These alleviate despair, lethargy, and the other myriad symptoms of depression by increasing available serotonin and other relevant neurotransmitters (depicted memorably in a Zoloft commercial).

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How a Microbial Evolutionary Accident Changed Earth’s Atmosphere

22nd June 2024


An extra membrane that once had digestive functions let marine microbes boost their yield from photosynthesis. Today, they’re responsible for locking carbon in the ocean and putting oxygen in the air.

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Thought for the Day

22nd June 2024

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Democrats Can’t Meme

22nd June 2024

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Disney Exposed? VP Admits on Hidden Camera That Company Refuses to Hire ‘White Males’

22nd June 2024

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For almost a decade Disney has been on a Diveristy, Equity and Inclusion induced spiral into clown world (along with a number of major entertainment and media companies). The shift by corporations towards promoting ideological propaganda instead of chasing profits started out subtle and has quickly escalated into a crescendo of absurdity.

Disney has become the public focus of the wokification of media for a number of reasons including the conglomerate’s massive size and global reach, but more than anything else, it used to be family favored company. When an organization makes the virtues of family and childhood innocence its brand, any slide into degeneracy or indoctrination is going to be amplified and scrutinized.

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Why Has China Purchased Farmland Near 19 Different Military Bases Inside the US?

22nd June 2024

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The Chinese aren’t exactly being subtle about what they are trying to do. Today, they own more than 300,000 acres of farmland inside the United States, and they have been specifically targeting areas that are located near important military bases. As you will see below, the Chinese now own farmland very close to 19 different U.S. military bases. How in the world could our leaders have allowed this to happen? Foreign adversaries should not be allowed to purchase farmland at all, and yet somehow they have been able to acquire land that is ideal for spying on our military bases over and over again.

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‘Total Lawlessness’ & Looting Has Made Gaza Aid Delivery Nearly Impossible: UN Chief

22nd June 2024

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For months, there have been two primary threats to aid convoys entering the Gaza Strip. First, on their way in, trucks carrying vital humanitarian supplies often come under attack by Israeli settlers. Second, once convoys are inside the Strip, they face the potential of being swarmed and coming under attack by desperate Palestinians who rip the supplies away before they arrive at intended drop-off points.

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Manhattan DA Proves Left-Wing Activists Are Above the Law in New York

22nd June 2024

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The DA who prosecuted and convicted former President Donald Trump on legally dubious campaign finance charges isn’t going to let prominent left-wing activists go to prison or face real consequences for criminal actions.

The anti-Israel protesters not only damaged and occupied school property, they got into a physical confrontation with a custodian while committing their crimes. This came at the end of a monthslong occupation of Columbia University’s grounds.

According to The Washington Free Beacon, prosecutors argued that the protesters didn’t have a criminal history and so it was better to leave any punishment to the university.

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Say Their Names: Young American Women Are Being Raped & Murdered by Illegal Aliens

22nd June 2024

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Fox News’ Bill Melugin shared with X users several headlines from this week alone that shows illegal aliens committing heinous acts of rape and murder against young American women.

On Thursday, Melugin said here are three headlines since the weekend:

Salvadoran illegal alien charged w/ rape & murder of Rachel Morin. Entered as gotaway last year.

Ecuadorian illegal alien charged w/ rape & kidnapping of 13-year-old girl in NYC. Caught & released in 2021.

Two Venezuelan illegal aliens charged w/ murdering 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray in Houston. Both caught and released at the border this year.

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Biden’s 5 Favorite Fudges on Immigration Law: The BorderLine

22nd June 2024

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Earlier this week, I explained “parole in place,” President Joe Biden’s latest attempt to grant a back-door amnesty. Biden isn’t the first president to use flimsy pretexts and dodgy interpretations of law to force immigration policy in the absence of legal authority, but he is by far the most reckless.

Here are my Five Favorite Fudges, a list of the top jerry-rigged workarounds currently used to grant amnesty or benefits to illegal immigrants that never were envisioned by Congress.

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Network AM, PM Shows Spend 15 Mins on Timberlake Arrest, Zero on Illegal Alien Murders

22nd June 2024

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Early Tuesday morning, singer Justin Timberlake was arrested on Long Island and charged with driving while intoxicated (DWI) following a traffic stop by a young officer who didn’t even recognize him. Also within in the last week, two illegal immigrants were charged with allegedly murdering 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray in Houston, Texas and the arrest of another illegal alien for the allegedly for raping and killing 37-year-old Maryland mom Rachel Morin.

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School Apologizes for Teaching Children That ISIS Is a Terrorist Group After Muslims Complain

22nd June 2024

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Students at Schuyler Colfax Middle School in Wayne, New Jersey, were asked to select one answer in a multiple choice test that fits with the description, “It is a terrorist organization that commits acts of violence, destroys cultural artifacts, and encourages loss of life in order to achieve its goal of global rule under strict Islamic Sharia law.”

The choice of answers was the Islamic State, Peru’s The Shining Path, al Qaeda, and the Palestinian Liberation Organisation, with Islamic State being the ‘correct’ answer.

In response, a group known as ‘Teaching While Muslim’ (TWM), charged “We have seen anti Muslim & anti Palestinian sentiments, teachers, and content in our schools over and over again. But we must not allow it to continue.”

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Inside BDS Left’s Sneaky Targeting of Israel Via Corporate Boardrooms

22nd June 2024

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Hours after Hamas-backed fighters broke out of the fence surrounding Gaza and embarked on a crusade of rape, killing, and kidnapping throughout southern Israel, some American corporate activists began their crusade to legitimize all of it.

Notably among their ranks were advocates of the boycott, divest, and sanctions movement.

“Oppression is the root cause of violence,” wrote the BDS movement in a statement released on Oct. 7, offering praise to the “powerful armed reaction of the oppressed Palestinians in Gaza” and making no mention of the deaths of nearly 1,200 innocent Israelis, or Hamas, the group that made it all happen.

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RFK Jr. Running Mate: Democrats Hate Democracy

22nd June 2024

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Nicole Shanahan, the running mate for independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr., said the current leadership of the Democratic Party hates democracy.

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Bay Leaves Are the Mysterious Dryer Sheets of the Kitchen.

21st June 2024

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I know that they do something, I’m just not entirely sure what it is, and I don’t really miss them when I run out. Yet I keep buying them, because this what humans that cook do. They buy bay leaves and put them in things.

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Ingroups and Outgroups: How Social Identity Influences People

21st June 2024

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An ingroup is a social group that a person identifies as being a part of, based on factors like nationality, race, religion, socioeconomic status, or political affiliation.

An outgroup is a social group that a person does not identify with, based on similar factors as would cause that person to identify with an ingroup (e.g., nationality and religion).

For example, a religious person might view members of their religion as being a part of their ingroup, while viewing members of other religions as being a part of their outgroup.

The concept of ingroups and outgroups has important implications in a wide range of contexts, so it’s important to understand it. As such, in the following article you will learn more about this aspect of social identity, understand the psychology behind it, and see what you can do to account for it in practice.

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People are Fleeing Canada. Is Civil Unrest Next?

21st June 2024

Watch it.

Nomad Capitalist says the quiet part out loud.

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New $72,000 Migrant Smuggling Routes to the US Start With Charter Flights

21st June 2024


Record border crossings are a major issue in November’s US presidential election, with more migrants coming from around the world. Inside two new routes that take Indians and Africans via Central America.

The reason this works, and why people are willing to pay that much, is that they know the Biden administration refuses to enforce the immigration laws.

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Young African Migrants Overwhelming Canary Islands

21st June 2024

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The Canary Islands is facing an unprecedented migration crisis, with the number of illegal migrants set to trump the previous record from last year. In the first five and a half months of this year, almost 19,000 people from Western Africa arrived on the Spanish islands by sea, an increase of 221% compared to the same period in 2023. Last year’s number of migrants—39,900—was a record in itself, an increase of 155% compared to 2022, and the record is likely to be broken again.

According to a recent report by Frontex, the EU’s Border and Coast Guard Agency, there is an increased demand from sub-Saharan migrants seeking to enter the European Union via the Canary Islands, and human smugglers are taking advantage of the situation. Most of the boats carrying the migrants depart from Morocco, Mauritania, and Senegal.

For the small Spanish island group that lies 100 kilometres to the west of Morocco and Western Sahara, with a population of 2.2 million, it is an unbearable situation, as it is finding it difficult to cope with the influx of people. “We don’t have enough resources to take care of them,” says Canarian President Fernando Clavijo.

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Islamist Terrorism Main Concern Ahead of Paris Games

21st June 2024

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Islamist terrorism is the main security worry ahead of the upcoming Paris Olympics, the French capital’s chief of police Laurent Nunez said on Friday.
This is what happens when you let Muslims invade your country.

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Thought for the Day

21st June 2024

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EU’s Top Court Uses Financial Blackmail to Impose Dysfunctional Migration Rules on Member States

21st June 2024

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Last week, Hungary was ordered by the EU’s top court to pay a fine of 200 million euros as well as a daily penalty of 1 million euros for not implementing changes to its migration policy as required by the EU court in previous judgements.

In its decision, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) classified the Hungarian migration measures as “unprecedented and exceptionally serious” infringements of EU law that “undermine in a particularly serious manner both the public interest and the interests of third-country nationals”. One gets the feeling that the EU judiciary is simply living in a parallel universe.

First, the cynical decision to only announce Hungary’s punishment after the European parliamentary elections speaks for itself. The CJEU obviously didn’t want people to cast their vote after hearing about this scandalous decision.

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Pakistan’s Terrorists Target Indian Kashmir

21st June 2024

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South Asia. Since June 9, the Indian territory of Jammu and Kashmir has witnessed four terrorist attacks launched by Pakistan-sponsored terror groups.

The first attack occurred in Jammu’s Reasi District, where Hindus are a majority. Islamist terrorists attacked a bus carrying pilgrims from a Hindu temple. Nine people, including children, lost their lives, and 33 were injured.

Following this, three other Islamic terror attacks were carried out in Jammu. As a result, one CRPF (India’s Central Reserve Police Force) member was killed and seven Indian security personnel were injured.

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California Legalized Drugs. Cartels Took It Over.

21st June 2024

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Six years after California legalized marijuana, the bodies keep piling up. Earlier this year, six men were murdered in the Mojave desert. Four of the Latino men had been burned after being shot with rifles. In 2020, seven people were killed at an illegal pot operation in Riverside County.

Violence like this was supposed to disappear after legalization. Legalization advocates argued that making the drug trade legal would end the grip of the cartels. Instead the legal market has failed and the cartels are taking over sizable parts of California and the rest of the country.

California’s legal drug revenues have fallen consistently as have those in other legal drug states including Colorado whose model helped sell the idea that drug money would fix everything.

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Head Of German Teachers Association Warns Education System Being Overwhelmed With Migrants

21st June 2024

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The president of the German Teachers Association has warned that the country’s education system is being overwhelmed with migrant students, many of whom are illiterate and can barely speak the language.

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Why the Left Hates It When You Point Out We’re ‘A Republic, Not a Democracy’

21st June 2024

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For as long as I can remember, the Left has been sneering at anyone who points out that the United States is a republic, not a democracy. They find the notion almost as unsophisticated and fascistic as flying a revolutionary-era flag. Others dismiss the democracy/republic debate as pedantic or a semantic distraction. They shouldn’t.

It doesn’t help that every left-wing totalitarian state calls itself the ‘People’s Democratic Republic of X’.

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Premature Progressive Panic Over the Washington Poop

21st June 2024

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For weeks now, The Washington Post has been plagued by internal turmoil over some top new hires. It started with new publisher Will Lewis, a former Rupert Murdoch employee who quickly attracted “opposition research” from NPR media reporter David Folkenflik, a man who reports incessantly on Murdoch like the mogul’s a James Bond villain — at taxpayer expense.

This caused a predictable ruckus among leftists, both inside the paper and outside. Since The Post is owned by billionaire Jeff Bezos, the Posties treat the newspaper like a charity and not a business. They don’t seem to care that the Post lost $77 million over the past year and had to offer buyouts to several hundred staffers to address the losses.

The subscribers were in revolt in a web chat with Post media blogger Erik Wemple. Wrote one: “What’s the best way for subscribers to let Jeff Bezos know we don’t like how he’s hiring so many men from Rupert Murdoch’s empire to be in charge of The Washington Post? Many people are simply canceling their subscriptions, but I’m wondering if we have better options.”

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How California’s Paradise Become Our Purgatory

21st June 2024

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California has become a test case of the suicide of the West. Never before has such a state, so rich in natural resources and endowed with such a bountiful human inheritance, self-destructed so rapidly.

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Watch: Filipino Soldiers Fought Off Axe-Wielding Chinese Coast Guard ‘With Bare Hands’

21st June 2024

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Dramatic new video shows the latest ramming incident between Chinese and Philippine vessels in a contested area of the South China Sea, and it reveals clear escalation which involved the Chinese side clearly brandishing weapons.

The incident happened near the Second Thomas Shoal on Monday, where the Philippine military has troops stationed as part of its claim on the Spratly Islands (also claimed by Beijing). Manilla officials said their military vessels were en route there on a normal ‘humanitarian resupply’ mission when the boats were deliberately rammed and boxed in by Chinese coast guard ships.

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A Fiscal Crisis: The West Is on the Wrong Side of Cost Curve

21st June 2024

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An axis of aggressors has embarked on a new strategy to defeat the West: relentless attacks with inexpensive weapons, produced at scale, to provoke a global response. Western militaries, which cling to outdated and excessively expensive weapon systems and platforms (that take too long to develop and replenish, and regularly exceed their budgets), are being systematically bled dry.

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Blue State Blues: Police Say 15 Shot During Juneteenth Celebration in Oakland, California

20th June 2024

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Fifteen people were shot during a Juneteenth celebration in Oakland, California, police said Thursday.

The violence broke out Wednesday night during an event at Lake Merritt that was largely peaceful, with as many as 5,000 in attendance, until a sideshow involving “motorbikes and vehicles” took place around 8:15 p.m. on the north side of the lake.

A fight broke out down the street from the sideshow and a crowd gathered in the area of the fight, police said. At least one person was taken into custody for assaulting an officer.

Time to leave.

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Manhattan DA Drops Charges Against 30 Columbia Protesters Arrested Over Campus Building Occupation

20th June 2024

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Of course.

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Dem Sen. Patty Murray Seeks Millions for Anti-Semitic Mosque Whose Leader Called Jews ‘Despicable Apes’

20th June 2024

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Democrats’ top Senate appropriator is seeking millions of dollars in taxpayer funds for an Islamic organization in Washington state that has preached anti-Semitism, cheered Hamas’s “victory” over Israel, and hosted Palestinian activists who urge resistance against Israel “by any means necessary.”

Sen. Patty Murray (D., Wash.), the chairwoman of the powerful Senate Appropriations Committee, requested $2.5 million for the Muslim Association of Puget Sound last month for the construction of a clinic, a massive windfall for an organization that received $6.2 million in revenue in 2022. That’s on top of an $850,000 earmark that Murray landed for the organization earlier this year to provide tech training for “underrepresented communities.”

It’s the latest Democratic request for taxpayer funds to Islamic groups hostile to Jews and Israel. The Biden administration has awarded millions of dollars in Department of Homeland Security grants to mosques whose leaders have called Jews “an arrogant breed of people” and called on Allah to “eradicate [Zionists] from existence,” the Washington Free Beacon reported.

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Report: Iran Has Massive Expansion of Nuclear Facility, Close to Bomb

20th June 2024

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And what is your government doing about it?

Absolutely. Nothing.

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Cartels Offer $6K VIP ‘Ticket’ Into US From Mexico

20th June 2024

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Despite being riddled with vermin and filth, the dark and narrow tunnel that connects Ciudad Juárez in Mexico to El Paso, Texas, is one of the most highly sought-after routes for migrants able to pay for a VIP “ticket” into the United States.

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Violent Rape of Jewish Teenager Shakes French Politics

20th June 2024

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Less than two weeks before the first round of parliamentary elections, a new tragedy of exceptional violence has shaken the French: the rape?accompanied by death threats, beatings, and injuries?of a 12-year-old girl by three minors, on the grounds that she was Jewish.

These horrendous events took place on Saturday, June 15th in Courbevoie—a rather quiet suburb to the north-west of Paris. The assailants were particularly young. Two of them, aged 13, were indicted on Tuesday, June 18th for the gang rape of a 12-year-old girl involving “violence, death threats, and antisemitic insults,” while the third, aged just 12, was placed under witness protection for the rape.

This is what happens when you let Muslims invade your country. They bring their Filthy Heathen Ways with them.

UPDATE: Protests, political action in France after alleged antisemitic rape of 12-year-old Jewish girl


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Why We Can’t Have Nice Things

20th June 2024

Alex Tabarrok.

WashingtonTimes: Residents in rural America are eager to access high-speed internet under a $42.5 billion federal modernization program, but not a single home or business has been connected to new broadband networks nearly three years after President Biden signed the funding into law, and no project will break ground until sometime next year.

A big part of the problem is the piling on to any government program a host of progressive wish-list items including:

• Preference for hiring union workers, who are scarce in some rural areas.

• Requiring providers to prioritize “certain segments of the workforce, such as individuals with past criminal records,” when building broadband networks.

• Requiring eligible entities to “account not only for current [climate-related] risks but also for how the frequency, severity, and nature of these extreme events may plausibly evolve as our climate continues to change over the coming decades.”

Image slide 1

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Proposed Ballot Measure to Raise Corporate Taxes, Give Every Oregonian $750 a Year Likely to Make November Ballot

20th June 2024

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Oregon voters will likely decide in November whether to establish a historic universal basic income program that would give every state resident roughly $750 annually from increased corporate taxes.

Proponents of the concept say they likely have enough signatures to place it on the ballot this fall, and opponents are taking them seriously.

State business advocacy groups are preparing to launch a campaign against the proposed measure, arguing that it would harm Oregon’s business landscape and economy.

Just to repeat what everyone ought to know: Businesses don’t pay taxes. They merely collect taxes. Taxes are, to a business, just another expense, and are folded into the price that the business charges its customers. It is the customers who pay the taxes. The only effect it has on the business is to make it less competitive with businesses from outside the jurisdiction that is taxing them, be it a city, county, state, or country.

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Beware The PopuList: Academic Blacklist Targets Conservatives

20th June 2024

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A new series of papers presented as an objective guide to populist parties adds fuel to the panic over the rise of the ‘far right’ in Europe. Still reeling from June’s election results, the academics behind a Europe-wide political blacklist have updated their terms of engagement by claiming to offer clear and workable language for understanding recent trends—while completely wedded to a Brussels-based and centrist view of politics.

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Sunak and Biden Are Making the Same Mistake on Housing

20th June 2024


British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and US President Joseph Biden are both promoting the same kind of mistake: giving people money when they should instead be working harder to expand supply. In both cases, the mistake is being made in the housing market, a longstanding venue for counterproductive policy ideas.

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Ending Strength

20th June 2024

ZMan points out some problems.

One of the consequences of youth culture is that there is not a lot of thought put into the fitness of old people. What little there is on the subject is either aimed at peddling drugs or peddling the crackpot idea that you are as young as you feel. The former looks at the swelling population of geezers the same way they looked at Covid. They are just looking for a way to steal more money. The latter tends to promote activities that have dubious fitness benefits and mostly sell good vibes.

The main reason for this is Americans are terrible at being old. The obsession with youth is a core part of the culture. Every political cycle, billions of words are wasted on what the youth have to say about things, as if being young makes you wise and smart, when in reality you are at your dumbest when young. Of course, young people are encouraged to set new trends and then old people are encouraged to adopt those trends so they can pretend to be young.

This was not always the way. For most of human history, youth was a thing humans were quickly ushered through so that they could become productive members of the family and community. Once children could do useful things, they were put on a course to learn to be an adult. In the modern age, it is the reverse. Once someone hits the age of majority, they are put on a course to maintain the illusion of perpetual youth in order to avoid thinking much about what comes after youth.

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