We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Transgender Day of Remembrance

20th November 2013

I am not making this up.

Few cottage industries are so robust these days as that of sticking ‘-phobia’ on the end of terms describing those whose distinguishing characteristic is the ability to cause normal people to go ‘Ewwww’, even though such kakologisms serve primarily to advertise the ignorance and intolerance of those creating them.

My favorite, of course, is ‘homophobia’, which (according to its structure) ought to mean ‘fear of people like me’, but sadly does not. Regressives aren’t really happy unless they’ve got a hate-name to stick on their victims, whether it makes sense or not. Every person they can make believe normality is somehow a disease represents a victory.

And I refuse to believe that there’s such a thing as a ‘transgender community’;  the use of ‘community’ in modern politics seems primarily a tool in the intellectual shell game of trying to make abnormal people seem somehow normal, no matter how flimsy the Clever Plastic Disguise.

I wait with bated breath for the first sighting of  ‘paranoiac community’ and ‘misanthrope community’, although ‘misanthrophobia’ is both correctly formed and has a nice ring to it. (Next time somebody shaggy and unwashed accuses you of being a h8ter, call them a misanthrophobe and watch their brains lock up.)

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