We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Bill Gates: Capitalism Means Male Baldness Research Gets More Funding Than Malaria

15th March 2013

Read it.

It’s hard to believe that so smart a guy as Bill Gates is pig-ignorant, but this proves it.

First of all, there is no such thing as ‘capitalism’, a scare-term coined by Karl Marx and his followers so they’d have a handy label to describe their fantasy distortion of how a free market works.

Secondly, ‘funding’ means ‘people giving money to something without getting a product in return’ — when you get a product in return, it’s called a ‘sale’ (or maybe a ‘trade’), and nobody has a problem with it.

So what Bill Gates is saying here is, that a free market system doesn’t share his priorities and is therefore a Bad Thing … the mating call of statists everywhere.

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