We have seen the future, and it sucks.

“College-Progressive Complex” About to Be Slammed by Reality Tsunami

6th March 2013

Read it.

When the “Higher Education Bubble bursts, it is going to take the “College -Progressive” Complex with it.

And that is a good thing.

People are beginning to realize that getting a ‘college education’ typically means (a) not really getting much of an education, (b) not getting a job after college, and (c) having to pay off massive amounts of debt without the means of doing so. Eventually this system is going to unravel, and I suspect that we are seeing the beginnings of that right now. If you’re a trust-fund hipster or some Eurotrash scion, spending four (or five) years at Brown drinking, screwing, and protesting isn’t a big deal. But if you’re trying to do the whole social-mobility thing, being the first in your lineage to ‘go to college’, it’s a real problem.

Call it the College-Progressive Complex. The first part consists of the schools themselves, with their herds of administrators, professors and impoverished grad students chasing the brass tenure ring. Think of it as a liberal tick, sucking blood and growing fatter off the efforts of Americans who actually produce something while contributing nothing to society except the clearly secondary contributions of those few in the fields of science and mathematics.

The other component of the Complex is the progressive element. Colleges and universities serve as a reservoir of leftism in society that serves several functions for those trying to turn America into a less blonde, less macho Sweden. First, it provides a taxpayer-subsidized lifestyle for millions of liberal voters to enjoy without actually having to produce anything. No wonder university types vote 95% for Democrats – they are voting themselves a salary and a sinecure. It’s welfare for people with graduate degrees and “Coexist” bumper stickers.

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