We have seen the future, and it sucks.

A Declaration and Defense of My Prejudices about Governance

12th November 2011

Thomas speaks for me.

I am a pro-defense, conservative libertarian.

By conservative libertarian, I mean that I am a libertarian who understands that liberty depends on the preservation of the traditional institutions of civil society (e.g., marriage, religion, voluntary charity) because it is those institutions that make possible mutual trust, respect, and forbearance. And it is those things that enable a people to coexist peacefully and cooperatively, to their mutual benefit. It is those things — not the statutes, ordinances, codes, and regulations that may be overlaid on them — which constitute the rule of law. Without the rule of law, liberty and the enjoyment of its fruits is impossible.

Read The Whole Thing.

2 Responses to “A Declaration and Defense of My Prejudices about Governance”

  1. lowly Says:

    “trust, respect, and forbearance. And it is those things that enable a people to coexist peacefully and cooperatively, to their mutual benefit.”

    That would make him a racial nationalist, as we know that diverse communities are low trust communities.

  2. Dennis Nagle Says:

    Oddly enough, I have a lot of ‘trust, respect, and forbearance.’ This despite the fact that I support neither the traditional definition of “marriage”, nor the beneficial effects of “religion”.

    One contradictory finding negates the universal. Ergo: He’s full of crap, and full of himself. Which, by observation and logic, are evidently synonymous.

    I have the strongest deja vu experience of reading Atlas Shrugged and finally in frustration skipping over about 50+ pages of John Galt’s “speech” because it was just a continual regurgitation of the same theme. We’ve heard it. We get it. We don’t agree with it. Let’s move on.