We have seen the future, and it sucks.

“Race Purists”—Are They “Slightly Nuts”? Jared Taylor Responds to John Derbyshire

16th January 2018

Time to be really politically incorrect.

When liberals discover that I have unorthodox views on race, they poke around for other unorthodox views. They think that if I am beyond the pale on enough fashionable subjects, it means I am a crackpot, and they can ignore the uncomfortable things I say about race.

We are supposed to care about the survival of the snail darter and the spotted owl. If you have endangered salamanders living on your property, the feds may not even let you build a house. I care a whole lot more about the survival of white people than I do about snail darters, and by 2050 we are expected to be no more than 4 or 5 percent of the world population.

Everybody is encouraged to be proud of their ethnic background except white people; they get criminalized for it.

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