We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Taxes and the Rich — Yes, They Pay Their Fair Share, and They Will After Tax Reform, Too

25th October 2017

Read it.

Our tax system is unfair, at least if you measure fairness by the fact that a very small number of taxpayers carry almost all the income tax burden.

 The top ten percent of earners, those making more than $138,000 in 2015, made 47 percent of the nation’s income, but they paid 71 percent of the nation’s income tax.  The top 1 percent, the people former President Obama decried the most, made 21 percent of the nation’s income in 2015, but they paid 39 percent of the nation’s income tax.

Not only are these people paying their fair share, they’re picking up other people’s shares as well.

The rich people who prose on about how their taxes are too low are free to write a check to the IRS.

Go ahead. We’ll wait. And wait … and wait … and wait….

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