We have seen the future, and it sucks.

‘No Free Speech for Fascists’ Is a Truly Terrible Idea

14th August 2017

Read it.

“No Free Speech for Fascists!” It’s a motto you see on pre-printed signs at protests, including at yesterday’s rallies in reaction to the violence and death in Charlottesville, Virginia, this weekend. Paired with a flood of invective against the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) for the group’s support of Unite the Right’s right to stage a rally at the city’s statue of Robert E. Lee in the first place, they make for a troubling trend.

Perhaps I ought to have a category ‘Whose turn is it to be the fascist?’

Imagine what the Chattering Class reaction would be to signs saying ‘No Free Speech for Communists!’. Oh, wait, we’ve already seen that.

4 Responses to “‘No Free Speech for Fascists’ Is a Truly Terrible Idea”

  1. Elganned Says:

    “Imagine what the Chattering Class reaction would be to signs saying ‘No Free Speech for Communists!’. Oh, wait, we’ve already seen that.”

    Yes, under Joe McCarthy. Who was a Republican. Finally brought to heel by Edward R. Murrow. A Democrat.

  2. Elganned Says:

    For the record, both fascists and communists have the right to free speech.
    And we all have the right to not pay attention to them.

  3. Tim of Angle Says:

    Who died when you were six. You’ve got to stop living in the past.

    Bull Connor and Orval Faubus were Democrats, too. Funny how your side never bring that up….

  4. Tim of Angle Says:

    Let me know when that works.