We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Doctor: Insurance Wouldn’t Pay for Patients’ Treatments, But Offered Assisted Suicide

28th June 2017

Read it.

Dr. Brian Callister, a doctor in Reno, Nevada, says he had two patients recently who both needed life-saving treatments. “Not palliative care, not hospice, these would have been curative procedures.” One patient, he said, was from California, and the other was from Oregon, which both have passed physician-assisted suicide laws. Instead of offering to pay for their treatments, Callister said the insurance medical directors in both states offered his patients assisted suicide.

Death panels. It’s the only way — to get rid of Californians and Oregonians.

One Response to “Doctor: Insurance Wouldn’t Pay for Patients’ Treatments, But Offered Assisted Suicide”

  1. Elganned Says:

    And in the meantime, the insurance companies rake it in…

    1. Don’t get sick.
    2. If you do get sick, die quickly.
    ~Alan Grayson