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Burr Suspends Kamala Harris During Senate Intel Hearing [VIDEO]

7th June 2017

Read it.

Democrats never think that the rules, or even common courtesy, apply to them.

Sen. Richard Burr (R-NC) brutally suspended Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) from speaking during the Senate Intel hearing when she refused to let assistant attorney general Rod Rosenstein answer any questions.

Rosenstein was trying to explain why special counsel Robert Mueller cannot be fired by the president when Harris cut him off.

“Sir, if I may, the greater assurance is not that you and I believe in Mueller’s integrity…it is that you would put in writing an indication based on your authority as the acting attorney general that he was full independence,” she said.

Rosenstein looked annoyed during her entire question, and started to respond, “He has the full independence as authorized by those regulations,” before Harris stopped him again.

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