We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Labour Candidate Who Suffers From ‘Sleeping Beauty Syndrome’ Pledges to Fight for Other People With Rare Illnesses

11th May 2017

Read it.

Fight who? About what?

Unless we can anticipate her entering the ring with a bunch of bacteria, ]the conclusion is inescapable that she ought to fight the socialist government-provided health care system, but as a Labour candidate I predict that she decide to ‘fight’ anything but that.

That ought to be the first questions asked about these tedious twonks who are always pledging to ‘fight for’ whichever Fashionable Victim Group they’re trying to hoodwink: Fight who? About what?

One Response to “Labour Candidate Who Suffers From ‘Sleeping Beauty Syndrome’ Pledges to Fight for Other People With Rare Illnesses”

  1. Tim of Angle Says:

    Content cannot be ‘stolen’. ‘Stolen’ is a term that is only applicable to property, and property is something that, when you have it, nobody else has it or can use it at the same time. You have bought into the ‘intellectual property’ myth, and need to shake free of it.