We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Chuck Schumer Probably Shouldn’t Have Insulted Tom Cotton About Where He Was Eight Years Ago

23rd January 2017

Read it.

Cotton was reportedly irate with Schumer’s delay of the confirmation vote and loudly accosted him on the Senate floor. Schumer retorted that the Senate had never confirmed a CIA director on Inauguration Day, adding that Senate Republicans did not do the same for former President Barack Obama. He continued that Cotton would have known this if he had been in the Senate eight years ago.

“Eight years ago, I was getting my ass shot at in Afghanistan,” Cotton reportedly shot back. He continued, “So don’t talk to me about where I was 8 years ago.” Cotton served two tours in Iraq and Afghanistan in the U.S. Army as a member of the 101st Airborne Division.

Schumer, of course, has never served anywhere except as a politician.

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