We have seen the future, and it sucks.

‘Hashtag He’s Your President’

2nd December 2016

The Other McCain explores Leftist sociopathy.

Inside their liberal echo chamber, hermetically sealed by epistemic closure, Democrats never have to consider the possibility that they’re wrong. Their friends at the New York Times and CNN all agree with them, as does every professor at Columbia, Yale and other major universities, and every celebrity in Hollywood. Democrats never talk to anyone who disagrees with them, because people who disagree with Democrats are not merely wrong, but also ignorant and evil.

Yeah, there’s a lot of that going around.

The Alt-Right Dog-Whistle Theory, as we may call it, serves a valuable psychological function for Democrats. If the people who voted for Trump were racist — “RAAAAACIST!” — then (a) Trump’s election can be dismissed as morally illegitimate, and (b) the Democrats can avoid the question of whether their policies are wrong. Inside their echo chamber, Democrats cling desperately to this kind of rationalization, because the only alternative would be an embarrassing admission of failure.

Remember: If you hear the dog-whistle, you’re the dog.

Democrats hate babies. Democrats hate Catholics. Democrats hate Jesus.

Democrats used to love Catholics, when Catholics helped elect Democrats like John F. Kennedy who, among other things, supported Vietnamese Catholics fighting against Communism. By 1972, however, Democrats hated Catholics and supported Communists in Vietnam. Of course, I’m old enough to remember when Democrats were the party of the working class, whereas now Democrats are the party of Hollywood, George Soros and every whiny liberal arts major at Oberlin College.

So it would seem.

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