We have seen the future, and it sucks.

How Much Money Could Barack Obama Earn After Leaving the White House?

5th November 2016

Read it.

BLUF: More than you’ll ever see.

Of course, if he sets up a family foundation and ropes Michelle in on the deal, the sky’s the limit.

One Response to “How Much Money Could Barack Obama Earn After Leaving the White House?”

  1. Whitehawk Says:

    Unfortunately history often repeats itself. Just think if we had had the testicular fortitude actually remove Bill Clinton from office after his impeachment, Hillary would certainly not be running now.

    Likewise, if we had that oh so elusive testicular presence to impeach and try Obama we may also have stopped a Michelle run for the White House.

    When you fail to do what is right you often have to suffer the same consequences over and over…