We have seen the future, and it sucks.

A Personalized Nutrition Company Will Use Your DNA to Tell You What to Eat

26th October 2016

Read it.

Dieting in the United States is a multi-million dollar industry. Over the past few decades, there have been diets that focus on increasing protein, eliminating fats, lowering calories—you name the food group, a diet fad has been centered around it. It’s clear that Americans want to lose weight, but we are far from mastering the art. A new California-based company is working to get at the root cause of why it believes diets fail: None of them focus on the dieter’s unique genetic makeup. Habit’s “personalized nutrition” program would analyze a person’s DNA to create an individualized food plan and deliver those ingredients to the user’s home. The company officially launches today, with its services beginning in early 2017.

Just what we need — somebody else telling what to do.

Hillary voters, your bus has arrived.

One Response to “A Personalized Nutrition Company Will Use Your DNA to Tell You What to Eat”

  1. RealRick Says:

    “..Hillary voters, your bus has arrived…”

    I am going to steal that line. It’s too good for a single person to own.