We have seen the future, and it sucks.

GOP Fears Trump Could Revive Racial Politics of Past

5th June 2016

Read it.

Which would only balance the racial politics of the present, which the GOP Establishment is too frightened to admit.

At the 2005 NAACP convention in Milwaukee,  then-Chairman of the Republican National Committee Ken Mehlman sought to apologize for that history, conceding that the party had used race as a wedge to win votes.

One would think that the Republican Establishment would learn that this sort of Marxist self-criticism never works and only leads to worse.

“He’s a Mexican,” Trump said in another interview. “We’re building a wall between here and Mexico.” Curiel, a son of Mexican immigrants, was born in Indiana.

I was born in Indiana, too, as were my parents, but that doesn’t keep people from calling us Irish. Let’s not go all disingenuous, here.

“Do you worry at all that your nominee now, Donald Trump, will do to Latino voters what Barry Goldwater did to African-American voters?” Tapper asked.

“I do,” McConnell said. “I do.”

This presumes that most Latinos are Republican now, which is a fantasy that not even McConnell believes — or, if he does, he’s too much of an idiot to have any business in the Senate.

But Rob Stutzman, a Republican strategist based in California, cited Trump’s recent comments about  Curiel as a troubling signal the celebrity businessman “is doubling down on other completely inexcusable things he has done to race-bait.”

This is one of the ‘Republican strategists’ who have consistently lost elections and, even when they’ve managed to win, put RINOs in office. Remind me why we ought to be listening to them.

“It’s pretty clear it’s calculated, it’s part of a strategy, and it should horrify Republican leaders,” Stutzman said. “He’s trying to incite an angry, disaffected white vote.”

Let’s get the cart back behind the horse, here. There already is an angry, disaffected white vote, which is why Trump is where he is. He didn’t incite it; it incited him. (That sort of reasoning is why we ought to be ignoring losers and morons like Stutzman.)

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