We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Coalition of Fringes’ Circular Firing Squad Aims at Chris Rock

2nd March 2016

Steve Sailer examines the brawl among Fashionable Minorities [tm] as to who is the victimiest.

American Jews would be prudent to be concerned that the growing anti-Israel BDS movement on college campuses, which is typically a favorite cause among exotic immigrant students. It’s a big deal at places like UCLA because student politics is divided up into a pro-Israel alliance funded by Israeli millionaires and an anti-Israel side among lot of foreign and immigrant students from Muslim or other Afro-Eurasian countries, along with some Europeans.

So far, the big American domestic minorities like blacks, Mexicans, and Chinese don’t pay much attention to BDS. But it could eventually spill over into or even merge with the current domestic white-bashing represented by #OscarsSoWhite and #JournalistsSoWhite. A nightmare scenario for American Jews is domestic blacks and Latinos and Asians eventually denouncing as discrimination the very high Jewish proportions found in most of the really good jobs in America.

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