We have seen the future, and it sucks.

The Rachel Dolezal-ation of the Oregon Killer

13th October 2015

Read it.

Here’s the narrative: mass killers are almost always white men. The Daily Kos recently published a piece with this headline: “How come we can’t tell the truth about the White Mass Killer Problem?” It asks, “Just what the fracking hell is the matter with all these mass-murdering white people?” Certainly mass killers are almost always men. But they’re not almost always white men. Overrepresented? Perhaps. But almost always white? No.

Chris Harper Mercer walked into Oregon’s Umpqua Community College and killed nine people, wounding nine more. On a dating site, Mercer, whose father is white and mother is black, referred to himself as “mixed race.”

If Obama is black, this guy is black.

As to non-white mass killers, Selwyn Duke, writing in American Thinker, cited a Mother Jones Magazine compilation of data on mass shootings from 1982 through, at the time of Duke’s writing, September 16, 2013 — after the Washington Navy Yard murders. Duke wrote:

“Of the last 20 mass killings of that period, 9 were perpetrated by non-whites.

“That would be 45 percent, which exceeds non-whites’ 37 percent share of the population.

Don’t expect to read that in the MSM.

The media are often accused — by the eternally offended crowd — of intentionally “undermining the image of blacks.” In fact, nothing could be further from the truth. The media lean over backwards to avoid any hint of anti-black sentiment. In the case of Mercer, a man with one black parent and one white parent, the narrative of mass-killers-are-almost-always-white caused the media great difficulty. But they tried their best.

After all, Rachel Dolezal, the white former NAACP chapter head who pretended to be black, says we’re whatever race we think we are.

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