We have seen the future, and it sucks.

The Obama-Hillary Libya debacle

5th August 2015

Read it.

Everyone understands by now that our intervention in Libya produced a disaster. But many fail to appreciate the magnitude of the disaster. And few understand that the stated reason for the intervention, to prevent a bloodbath, lacked any real basis in fact.

Writing in Foreign Affairs, Alan Kuperman, an associate professor at the Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs, University of Texas at Austin, provides clarity on these points. The article is called “Obama’s Libya Debacle.” However, given the leading role Hillary Clinton played, the former Secretary of State must take a major portion of the blame, just as she planned to take major credit (see her email traffic with Sidney Blumenthal) when she thought the policy had succeeded.

2 Responses to “The Obama-Hillary Libya debacle”

  1. Elganned Says:

    Absent, of course, is any balancing discussion of the debacle of the Second Iraq War, also promulgated under a rationale with no real basis in fact. Where are the right-wing critics of Bush, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Rove, and Rice for that monumental stupidity? Crickets…

  2. Tim of Angle Says:

    The right-wing critics of Bush, Rumsfeld, etc. are everywhere, at least if you bother to listen. I guess you were asleep during the past twenty years. Check the archives for National Review, The American Interest, The American Conservative, and the blogs of famous right-wingers such as Victor Davis Hanson and Dennis Prager.