We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Feds Unclear on the Concept of Birth Tourism

18th March 2015

Steve Sailer is irate.

I’ve been covering for at least 4 years the scandal of “birth tourism” — pregnant women from China paying a lot of money to hole up in Southern California for a couple of months so their upcoming baby can be granted the pecuniary benefits of American birthright citizenship — because the advertisements in Chinese are so clear about what chumps we Americans are with our schmaltzy ideas about immigration.

Finally, early this month the federal government raided 20 birth tourism operations in SoCal.

But it looks like most of the Chinese customers are going to get birthright citizenship for their future kid anyway, sending a message to foreigners to keep engaging in this scam.

Hm. Given the choice of which sort of people are getting anchor babies, I’d pick rich Chinese over poor Mexicans any day.

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