We have seen the future, and it sucks.

All the News Their Bias Allows

2nd January 2014

Taki joins in a game that anyone can play.

One of the great but perverse pleasures of my life when I’m in New York City is to read The New York Times. It’s perverse because no paper north of Saudi Arabia lies quite as blatantly as the Times does. Its lying is based on omission rather than invention and by the use of the kind of selectivity on news reporting that would earn a Soviet-era Pravda newshound the Stalin Prize. Excluding facts, indeed stories, which do not fall within the purview of its viewpoint is the paper’s norm rather than the exception. “All the News Our Bias Allows” should be its motto and on its masthead, but even there, the Times is spinning the facts: “All the News That’s Fit to Print” is the first big lie one encounters on page one.

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