We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Illinois Law Grounds PETA Drones Meant to Harass Hunters

31st December 2013

Read it.

But PETA has another plan for lovers of the wilderness. They want to spy on hunters as self appointed green police trying to trap them in violations. Surprisingly, these “hobbyists” are able to take home their personal drone for only $324.99.

The most expensive clay pigeon available. Think about it.

 Doug Jeanneret of the U.S. Sportsman’s Alliance asserts that PETA using drones constitutes “hunter harassment.” He added , “Imagine drones running over your duck decoys or near your tree stand. It would certainly interfere with your hunt and break the law. They will definitely be using them against all hunters.”

And, since the hunters all have guns, it’s a problem easily solved. One of the more endearing qualities of ‘progressives’ is that they have this bizarre notion that they’re invulnerable — like Greenpeace harassing Russian oil platforms, reality has a way of pointing out the errors of their worldview.

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