We have seen the future, and it sucks.

American Birthrates: Quantity v. Quality

10th October 2012

Steve Sailer is never afraid to ask the discomforting questions.

So what could be more obviously important to America’s future than the quantity and quality of births?

And yet while newspapers run routine articles on the quantity of births, there is negligible coverage of the quality.

On the face of it, this is rather strange because most other aspects of 21st-century American culture are obsessed with quality over quantity. Tiger Mothers, for instance, aren’t impressed that Arizona State has more students than Princeton. Nor does anybody win at fantasy football by having the most players on their roster.

And what does that mean for the rest of us?

One insight is found in the opening scene of the Bush Era’s signature film, Idiocracy. Sitting next to her husband Trevor (138 IQ), Carol (141 IQ) explains, “There’s no way we could have a child now, not with the market the way it is.” Meanwhile, Clevon (84 IQ) has impregnated much of his trailer park.

When home prices increase much faster than income, the prudent abstain from family formation. In contrast, the spurious prosperity of a debt bubble appears to ignite the animal spirits of the less thoughtful.

In other words, the facts of life on the ground encourage low quality people to reproduce and high quality people not. Marxists coined a term for it: ‘proletariat’, those whose only product is offspring.

6 Responses to “American Birthrates: Quantity v. Quality”

  1. Dennis Nagle Says:

    When will you socialist, dependency-fostering, Crustian Democrats stop blaming Bush for everything?
    Oh…wait… Never mind.

  2. RealRick Says:

    In an odd sort of way, Mitt Romney and his Mormons are an exception to this “Quantity v. Quality” quandary. Lots of kids, lots of college degrees, and strong core values. (Of course it must be pointed out that Harry Reid is also one of the “Saints”, so the term “quality” must be qualified.)

    As for the illegitimate birth rate, one wonders how much Bill Clinton actually contributed to it. Directly.

  3. Tim of Angle Says:

    The answer to that question is, of course, Never.

  4. Dennis Nagle Says:

    So we can look forward to a demographic shift where the majority of the US population is either Mormon or stupid? Can’t wait.

  5. RealRick Says:

    Or Mexican, Dennis.

  6. RealRick Says:

    So wear a white shirt and narrow tie, speak only simple words, and say them in Spanish – and you’ll fit right in.