We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Are You Safer Now Than You Were Four Years Ago?

16th September 2012

Read it.

Set aside the opening follies of this administration, such as the cringe-inducing “reset” button given to Russia’s foreign minister that yielded no cooperation but managed to produce anti-American venom from Vladimir Putin and the harassment of our ambassador to Moscow by thugs in Putin’s youth movement.

Set aside the hypocrisy of the Obama team’s scorn at former governor Mitt Romney’s lack of foreign policy experience, given that its own candidate, during his two years in the Senate prior to his presidential campaign, managed to produce one large goof: contemptuous certainty that the surge of U.S. troops to Iraq in 2007 would fail.

Set aside even the unseemliness of the president blaming America’s failures abroad on the George W. Bush administration while claiming credit for operations whose foundations were laid during the Bush presidency.

Disregard all this, and the answer remains no.

Guess Obama’s World Apology Tour was a real success, wasn’t it? Certainly the massively improved image of America overseas, especially in the Muslim world, would seem to attest to it. God knows what would have happened if that warmongering bumbler Bush were still in charge.

One Response to “Are You Safer Now Than You Were Four Years Ago?”

  1. Dennis Nagle Says:

    “Miss me yet?” With every shot so far…