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US man tries to repair hernia with butter knife

27th July 2011

Read it.

A 63-year-old California man has tried to operate on his own hernia by cutting open his stomach with a six-inch butter knife.

Hey, if it was easy, anybody could do it.

One Response to “US man tries to repair hernia with butter knife”

  1. RealRick Says:

    Am I the only one who thought, “Why a butter knife?” Sure, the whole idea of operating on yourself is pretty wild, unless of course you have to amputate something to save your life, which has been done successfully. But if I’m going to CUT something, I would want to use a SHARP knife.

    I put this in the category of the college president from Europe that got lost in a Louisiana marsh and was quoted as saying he had to drink his own urine. A marsh is a marsh because it’s full of water – maybe not great water, but certainly better than urine. A story like that makes me think that the subject is either 1) a complete idiot, or 2) a complete liar.

    Strange things do happen in Louisiana and even stranger things happen in California, so maybe both guys are telling the truth – scary as that may be.