We have seen the future, and it sucks.

‘This Week’ Transcript: Sen. Mitch McConnell and Rep. James Clyburn

27th June 2011

Read it.

Congressman Clyburn is a deep-dyed black Democrat career politician, so we look to him to give us the Party Line; and he does not disappoint:

The fact of the matter is, we have on the table all kinds of revenue raises that they keep calling tax increases. How do you call closing loopholes to oil companies that are making billions of dollars in profits, closing up these loopholes that would generate $40 to $50 billion in revenue, how do you call that a tax hike? That is no tax hike. You only hike taxes when you raise rates. We are not asking anybody to raise anybody’s rates. We want us to have an effective tax collection and close these loopholes, stop giving billions of dollars in breaks to millionaires and billionaires.

‘You only hike taxes when you raise rates.’ Uh, no, Congressman, you hike taxes when the amount of tax you pay after a change is more than what you pay before the change. That’s what ‘hike taxes’ means. (I always knew that black people didn’t always speak the same brand of English as the rest of us, but I never suspected that they didn’t necessarily understand standard English, either. But here’s proof.)

The sad truth that goes unspoken here is that most of those ‘loopholes’ that give ‘billions of dollars in breaks to millionaires and billionaires’ were put in place in the tax code by Democrat Congressmen JUST LIKE YOU for ‘millionaires and billionaires’ who are OVERWHELMINGLY DEMOCRAT. Warren Buffet. Bill Gates Sr. George Soros. Al Gore. Pick a Kennedy. Pick a Rockefeller. The reason why the Koch brothers are catching such shit from the Left is that they refuse to stay on the Democrats’ Rich People Plantation. (And don’t get me started on what happens to people, like Clarence Thomas, who refuse to stay on the Democrats’ Black People Plantation.)

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