We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Western journalist ’embeds’ with Taliban army for first time

27th August 2010

Read it.

Hope he doesn’t think that will make him bulletproof.

The journalist, Norwegian Paul Refsdal, says Taliban leader Commander Dawran granted him the access and allowed him to film the enemy soldiers while they attacked a US convoy.

That makes him an unlawful combatant just like them, and subjects him to the standard penalties under international law. He can be summarily executed wherever found.

After Refsdal returned to Kabul, following a US attack upon the Taliban camp, another Taliban fighter “Omar” offered him an opportunity to return two weeks later.

Refsdal returned to Omar but was kidnapped and held hostage for six days. No ransom was paid.

Unfortunately, I doubt that he will learn anything from the experience.

One Response to “Western journalist ’embeds’ with Taliban army for first time”

  1. Whitehawk Says:

    Might want to look up what the term “embed” means in arabic before they sign on. Eh, what am I thinking? Let em “embed”.