We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Persistent Persecution

30th July 2010

Read it.

The Army investigated the incident and concluded that the soldiers had acted properly. Nevertheless, twice in the last seven years, Spain’s Supreme Court has overruled the National Court’s decision to drop the matter, and has ordered the National Court to pursue Sgt. Thomas Gibson, the tank sergeant who fired the shell, Captain Philip Wolford, who ordered the attack, and commanding officer Colonel Philip deCamp. What does Spain have to do with the 2003 incident? Absolutely nothing, but that country has assumed authority to pursue politically-motivated persecutions of anyone, anywhere in the world.

And Spain is considered an ally. Did we have a Real Government, it would put the hurts on Spain until it quit this horseshit. Unfortunately, all we have is a bunch of tax-and-spend kleptocrats. Sheesh.

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