We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Princeton Feminist Noa Wollstein Hates Men and ‘Heteronormative’ Kissing

8th December 2018

Read it.

Well, you know, Princeton — what do you expect from a place that would hire the likes of Paul Krugman?

This is why Ms. Wollstein’s parents are paying $62,750 a year (including room and board) to send her to Princeton, so that she can vent her anti-heterosexual hostility and prevent the performance of Disney songs on campus.

I doubt seriously that her parents are paying that. More likely she is getting some kind of financial aid and loans.

I suspect that in many such cases if the parents were paying full freight these kids would be an community college or in the military. And the parents are delighted, of course, that their daughter managed to get into Princeton; I doubt that she comes from a long line of Princetonians. She demonstrates the usual narcissism of someone who has come to the Other Left Coast from Flyover Country and is determined to Make It Big and enter the Establishment.

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