We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Today in Trump Derangement Syndrome

28th November 2018

Class Is Evacuated Because Of A Trump Hat?

Debunking 3 Myths About Trump Border Enforcement

Donald Trump disapproval rating among Americans higher than ever, according to new poll  And Trump will ignore it just as he has ignored every other attempt to influence him by ‘poll pressure’.

The Trump Paradox

Stephen Colbert and Jon Stewart admit late night hosts have become ‘turd miners’ in the Trump era

Today I made a purchase at a convenience store and received in change a $10 bill with ‘IMPEACH TRUMP’ scribbled all over it. Pretty sad.

Jon Stewart Compares Trump To A ‘Giant Turd Asteroid’ On Colbert

Husband Hates Trump, But Not Enough. Wife Considers Divorce  Sounds like a win for him.

Barack Obama excoriates Trump: ‘Nobody in my administration got indicted’  Nobody in the Trump administration has gotten indicted, either, despite the best efforts of the Deep State. The most they have to show is former campaign workers.

The Media Continues to Buy Into Any RussiaGate Hoax-Claim, No Matter How Implausible

Gay Trump Supporters Set The Record Straight  I predict that it will not work.

The more Trump bellows about Mueller, the guiltier he looks  His looks, yes, I’ll give you his looks.

Hillary Clinton: Trump is ‘part of the coverup’ in killing of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi  Except, of course, for the inconvenient fact that Trump had, and has, nothing to do with it. You’d think that Hillary would be more familiar with how coverups work.

California Prof Assigns Students Hypothetical Scenario With ‘Donald Rump,’ Worth 30 Percent Of Final Grade

What the Casual News Watcher Knows, But Just Isn’t So


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