We have seen the future, and it sucks.

A Group Is Compiling Every Case of ‘Eco-Terrorism’ Attacks Against Pipelines

26th October 2017

Read it.

Energy Builders’ launch of the Energy Infrastructure Incident Reporting Center (EIRC) comes two days after more than 80 members of Congress signed a letter to Attorney General Jeff Sessions concerned with pipeline disruption. The letter decried the “violence toward individuals and destruction of property” associated with some activist activities aimed at stopping pipelines.

“Incidents of eco-terrorism, sabotage, arson, vandalism and violence are on the rise as criminal tactics have become a regular feature of pipeline protests, leaving taxpayers on the hook for millions of dollars and potentially endangering lives, the environment and our national security,” said Toby Mack, president and CEO of EEIA.

That will be an eye-opener.

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