We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Today in Trump Derangement Synrome

21st October 2017

CNN Guest: Trump Has ‘Impulse’ To ‘Go After Women And Critics Of Color’  An ‘impulse’ that exists only in the mind of proglodyte commenenters.

Billionaire investor launches multi-million dollar campaign to impeach Trump: ‘This president is mentally unstable’  And of course some random rich Democrat is qualified to make that judgement.

Trump’s JFK files release: The stories the US President could be trying to distract us from by clearing assassination files  So Trump declining to extend the secrecy of these files is therefore an attempt to distract from … what? A constant baseless assault from all the talking heads in Washington? They must be easily distracted.

MSNBC Guest: Trump ‘Defecating on Women,’ ‘Taking Away Rights’  By giving a forum to such delusions, MSNBC merely cements its position as a proglodyte mouthpiece.

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