We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Using DNA to Sketch What Victims Look Like; Some Call It Science Fiction

19th October 2017

Read it.

In phenotyping, scientists scan a person’s genes for variations known to influence traits like skin color, eye color, geographical ancestry and freckling. They then plug those markers into a set of algorithms to generate a profile. In recent years, pharmaceutical companies like Parabon NanoLabs of Virginia have begun recreating faces.

Parabon’s tests revealed that Monique was primarily of sub-Saharan African descent, and not white as investigators had believed based on the color of the skin found on her remains.

So Race Doesn’t Exist Genetically except when cops are trying to identify a corpse, in which case, hey, I guess it does.

Steve Sailer sums it up:

I do want to point out that even though we are constantly assured that Science Has Proven Race Does Not Exist Genetically, it’s actually completely uncontroversial in forensic science that DNA can determine the race of pieces of corpses found floating in a New York bay.

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