We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Weimar America

16th August 2017

Read it.

Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to cheer on Communists and Nazis punching each other in major American cities while civil society disintegrates around them.

The left killed civil rights and replaced it with black nationalism. The racial supremacism of black nationalism that killed those officers is everywhere. Ta-Nehisi Coates and Ibram X. Kendi are lionized as brilliant thinkers instead of hateful racists, Amazon has ordered a black nationalist secessionist fantasy from Aaron McGruder and Showtime aired ‘Guerilla,’ a miniseries glamorizing Black Panther terrorism.

But racism is a two-way street. So is violence. Extremists feed into each other.

So where does that leave us?

You can’t legitimize one form of racism without legitimizing all of them. The media may advance this hypocritical position. Obama used the shameful “reverse racism” euphemism that distinguishes between black and white racism. But propaganda and spin don’t change the physics of human nature.

Either all racism is bad. Or all racism is acceptable.

Charlottesville is what happens when you normalize racism and street violence. Every normalization of extremism equally normalizes the extremism of the opposite side.

‘Mommeee! Johnny hit me back!’

If Democrats really want to stop the rise of Neo-Nazi violence, there’s a very easy way. Stop normalizing black nationalism and the Alt-Left. End the racist witch hunts for white privilege. Make it clear that street violence is unacceptable and that racism is bad no matter who it comes from. Allow people you disagree with to express their views without trying to destroy their lives.

But that’s the opposite of what the Dems will do. They don’t want fewer Neo-Nazis; they want more of them. They don’t want fewer attacks like Charlottesville and Charleston. They want more of them.

With the DemLegHump Media urging them on.

When you spend enough time crying wolf, eventually a real wolf appears. A real wolf showed up in Charlottesville.

The left spent eight years dismantling any meaningful definition of racism for political reasons. The practical effect of their actions was to eliminate social sanctions for actual racists.

And the real racists were happy to take advantage of the new climate.

When the left insists that everyone with white skin is part of white supremacy, that Shakespeare, Beethoven and all of Western civilization embody white supremacy, it’s echoing the actual talking points of white supremacy.

If you tell all Obama critics and Trump supporters that they’re racists often enough, some will decide that maybe they are racists.

If you tell a student who objects to racially segregated areas on campus that she is a white supremacist, she will be more likely to become one.

When you marginalize everyone to the right of you, some of the marginalized will accept the definition.

Be careful what you complain about; you just might get it.

5 Responses to “Weimar America”

  1. Elganned Says:

    I see. So it’s all the fault of the anti-racists that there are racists.
    I wonder who’s fault it was before there were anti-racists?

  2. Tim of Angle Says:

    No, you don’t see. That’s a perennial problem with you. It’s not the fault of anti-racists that there are racists; it’s the self-styled anti-racists who are the real racists, not their supposed ‘racist’ targets.

  3. Elganned Says:

    Oh. So the self-styled racists–and they exist, I just saw one interviewed on TV–are in fact anti-racists?
    It’s so confusing. Anybody got a scorecard?

  4. Tim of Angle Says:

    No, but the anti-racists are in fact racists, they just won’t admit it.

    Try to keep up.

  5. Elganned Says:

    So anti-racist = racist, but racist anti-racist?
    So by your mathematics, everyone is a racist.
    Good to know.