We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Resisting the Tranny State

2nd August 2017

David Cole has some advice for us.

Trannies remind me of libertarians. To be more precise, the thing I find most objectionable about trannies is also the thing I find most objectionable about the hardcore, uncompromising “no government” anarcho-voluntaryist libertarian types. These “get rid of government” crusaders spend every moment of their lives hectoring nonbelievers like me, trying to make us acquiesce to their vision of a world without the state. What cheeses me off is, if you want to be free, if you want to live “off grid” without government, if you want to grow your own food and barter hens and nanny goats for potatoes and butter, go do it. What’s stopping you? It’s a big world and easy to get lost in. Sure, there’s never any guarantee that you’ll be safe from the long arm of the state—Randy Weaver found that out the hard way when he and his wife made the logical decision to drop out of society rather than try to change it to suit their beliefs—but still, living off grid (which I’ve done several times in my life) is way easier than getting 300 million people to agree in unison, “We’re going to dismantle government and live as medieval farmers and tradesmen.”

The anti-government ideologues act like they can’t go and “be free” until they’ve persuaded the rest of us to follow suit. Essentially, they’ve made their freedom quest dependent upon me coming along for the ride, even though it’s a trip they could easily take solo.

He’s got a point. Cf. Harry Browne’s book How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World.

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