We have seen the future, and it sucks.

San Francisco Creates Legal Office to Defend Illegal Immigrants From Deportation

24th May 2017

Read it.

Officials expect the unit to handle around 150 clients per year, only 10 percent of the 1,500 detained immigrants that currently have court dates in San Francisco.

So this is just a sop to prove how progressive and caring they are.

“Mass deportation is against our core values as Americans and San Franciscans,” Adachi said.

I see no ‘mass deportation’, even in the fever dreams of the Left Coast. Perhaps this is like Global Warming, something with which to scare college students and other children but which probably won’t happen.

I guess encouraging people to break the law is a ‘core value’ in San Francisco — which actually doesn’t surprise me.

“Due process still means something in this country and we are not going to let the federal government ship off our friends and neighbors without a fight.”

If somebody is in the United States illegally, shipping them off IS ‘due process’.

‘You keep using that word. I don’t think it means what you think it means.’

I’d really like to see the LGBTQRSTUVWXYZ brigades from San Francisco fight the Federal government. That would be amusing. Presumably Jar Jar Binks is their mascot.

“Just several weeks ago in California’s Bay Area, after a raid captured 11 MS-13 members on charges including murder, extortion and drug trafficking, city officials seemed more concerned with reassuring illegal immigrants that the raid was unrelated to immigration than with warning other MS-13 members that they were next,” the DOJ said.

Some ‘friends and neighbors’ you got there, San Francisco.

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