We have seen the future, and it sucks.

San Diego’s Experiment With Higher Minimum Wage: 4,000 Fewer Restaurant Jobs

11th April 2017

Read it.

Rather than inch upward from $10 per hour to $10.25 per hour in January 2016, as the rest of the state was doing, San Diego jumped its minimum wage to $11.50 per hour. In the year and three months since then, the number of food service jobs in San Diego has dropped sharply, with perhaps as many as 4,000 jobs lost, or never created in the first place.

Isn’t that amazing? If you raise the price of something, people buy less of it. Somebody ought to teach a course on that or something.

2 Responses to “San Diego’s Experiment With Higher Minimum Wage: 4,000 Fewer Restaurant Jobs”

  1. Elganned Says:

    That’s okay; the 4,000 put out of work emigrated to Texas, where low-paying jobs are abundant. Just don’t get sick.

  2. Tim of Angle Says:

    Oh, there are abundant low-paying jobs in California, it’s just that they’re paid in cash under the table in Sanctuary Cities because the low-paid workers are illegal and can’t risk being shipped back to Pesthole, Mexico. We’d be happy to have them in Texas, where Mexicans are respected members of the community rather than victim-class poster children. Unlike California, they can afford to live here without being a hipster software engineer or Democrat government hack. And, until Obamacare is replaced, ‘don’t get sick’ is good advice for everybody who isn’t an Obama or a Clinton.