We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Green Weenies, Forever

18th February 2017

Steven Hayward turns over a rock.

The Standing Rock/Dakota Access Pipeline protesters are becoming the Meryl Streep of leftist protests, winning multiple awards for Worst Performance in a So-Called Protest. We awarded them a coveted Power Line Green Weenie a couple weeks ago for leaving so much trash around that it had become an environmental threat to the very same river they claimed to be trying to protect.

But here is my favorite single sentence of the story:

Relevant personnel are combing the site for dead bodies rolled up in tarps, as well as weapons that could be used against Morton County police officers. They are using bulldozers and earth-moving equipment to scrape the area clean of debris.

Young males who live at home are used to having their mothers pick up after them. Especially when they’re off protesting. Now they’ll have an extra Green Weenie statuette to pick up.

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