We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Kicking the Hornet’s Nest

13th February 2017

Jim Goad scratches his head.

During the campaign season and after the election, nearly all of the political violence has come from the left, and it shows no signs of abating. What’s most distressing to me is that in many cases, the police are told to sit down and let it happen.

Despite the fact that the alleged “Nazis” aren’t being violent in the least, the waves of endless violence against them are justified by claiming that Nazis have been violent in the past, and if you don’t keep beating them unconscious, they will certainly be violent in the future, so this isn’t really violence at all, it’s direct action to preemptively quash the remote possibility of any future Nazi violence, even if the Nazis being beaten don’t identify as Nazis and have never advocated violence against their political opponents. Besides, everyone knows that punching Nazis is OK because they saw it in a Steven Spielberg movie, and who could possibly be more all-American than Steven Spielberg?

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