We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Dem Congresswoman Forced to Face Her Own Voting History After Calling Trump’s Travel Ban ‘Horrifying’

31st January 2017

Read it.

Democratic Rep. Elizabeth Esty from Connecticut launched a tweetstorm Monday afternoon against President Donald Trump’s travel ban, but quickly backtracked after followers confronted her on her visa-related voting history.

People in Congress (and there are far too many of them) who turn their positions on a dime in order to follow partisan marching orders from their leadership are so used to being in control of the public narrative that it often comes as a shock when they are called to account. Of course, in a rightly-ordered society it would be the ‘journalists’ who would do the vetting, but as we all know the DemLegHump Media can’t perform that function on Democrats.

Esty co-sponsored H.B. 158 on Dec. 3 2015, a bi-partisan bill that enabled the executive branch led by the the Department of Homeland Security to severely limit or curtail visas from countries like Iran and Iraq.

Hmm. Not that long ago, even. Must be something in the water in Connecticut. Yeah, that would explain what’s been going on at Yale, too.

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