We have seen the future, and it sucks.

The Melting Snowflakes of Chapel Hill

7th November 2016

Read it.

On October 18 Diana West, the author of American Betrayal, was scheduled to give a lecture about Political Correctness in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. However, the local Progressive/Muslim alliance got wind of what she was up to, and tried to shut her down.

The event was sponsored by a group called Issues Confronting Our Nation (ICON), and was billed as part of the ICON Lecture Series: “Where Did “Politically Correct” Come from and What Is It Doing?” (Cultural Marxism in America). The title was enough to send the lefties into paroxysms of high dudgeon, and they exerted pressure on the venue — an outfit called Extraordinary Ventures — to cancel the lecture.

In this case the venue did not cancel, and the event went ahead as scheduled. Ms. West’s talk may be seen in its entirety in the video below. In addition to the fracas over her lecture, she talks about Marx, Lenin, the Fabians, the Frankfurt School, SDS, and the communist infiltration of America in the 1930s and ’40s.

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